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发布时间:2018-07-10 00:11

  本文选题:行政救助 + 权利救济 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:1994年的联合国世界减灾大会指出,在现代社会,综合国力多项指标特别是安全减灾的能力已成为衡量国家进步与发展的标志,而不是仅仅局限于单纯的经济增长,因此灾害救助法制化是当今世界各国通行的做法。在自然灾害频繁发生的当今社会,世界上许多国家都因灾害的发生而遭受或多或少的损失,我国亦是如此。现代中国已成为世界上自然灾害最严重的国家之一,每年都因自然灾害遭受到不同程度的财产损失和人员伤亡。针对频发的自然灾害,美日等发达国家都已形成一套完整的自然灾害行政救助法律体系,,而我国至今缺少一部国家层面上调整应急救助关系的专门法律,自然灾害行政救助的研究就成为题中之义。本文从基本理论的梳理、现状分析等方面找出我国自然灾害行政救助制度现存的问题,并提出自己的建议,建议制定颁布《灾害救助法》,从而在这个基本法律框架下,各项单灾种立法以及地方性立法可以相互协调,形成我国自然灾害行政救助制度完整的法律体系。 本文共有三章。第一章从现有关于灾害行政救助的各种学说理论入手,首先对这些理论进行分析梳理,对灾害行政救助的基本概念与性质定位归纳总结,明晰其内涵外延,并在此基础上对灾害行政救助的基础理论进行较为全面的探讨。第二章通过具体案例的实证分析以及现有法律体系的梳理,发现提出现有制度下所存在的一些问题,分析灾害行政救助中所存在的显示及其对其法治化约束的必要性。第三章在综合考察与比较国外行政救助的基础上,探索完善与改进我国灾害行政救助制度的新路径与新方法。
[Abstract]:The 1994 United Nations World Conference on disaster reduction pointed out that in modern society, many indicators of comprehensive national strength, especially the ability to reduce disaster in safety, have become a symbol of national progress and development, rather than merely economic growth. Therefore, the legalization of disaster relief is a common practice all over the world. In today's society where natural disasters occur frequently, many countries in the world suffer more or less losses because of disasters, and so do China. Modern China has become one of the most serious natural disasters in the world. In response to frequent natural disasters, the United States and Japan and other developed countries have formed a complete legal system of administrative relief for natural disasters. However, our country has so far lacked a special law on adjusting emergency relief relations at the national level. The study of administrative relief of natural disasters becomes the meaning of the topic. This paper finds out the existing problems in the administrative relief system of natural disasters in China from the aspects of combing the basic theory and analyzing the present situation, and puts forward its own suggestions, and suggests the enactment of the disaster Relief Law, so that under this basic legal framework, Each single disaster legislation and local legislation can coordinate with each other to form a complete legal system of administrative relief system for natural disasters in China. There are three chapters in this paper. The first chapter starts with the existing theories about disaster administrative relief, analyzes these theories, summarizes the basic concept and nature of disaster administrative relief, and clarifies its connotation and extension. On this basis, the basic theory of disaster administrative relief is discussed comprehensively. The second chapter through the empirical analysis of specific cases as well as the existing legal system to find out that there are some problems under the existing system analysis of the existence of disaster administrative relief and the necessity of its rule of law constraints. On the basis of comprehensive investigation and comparison of foreign administrative assistance, the third chapter explores the new ways and methods to perfect and improve the disaster administrative relief system in China.


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1 熊贵彬;柴定红;;中美灾害救助体制比较——以汶川地震和卡特里娜飓风为例[J];华东理工大学学报(社会科学版);2009年01期




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