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发布时间:2018-07-09 18:12

  本文选题:宗教教义 + 美国 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Religion and law are two important means to adjust all kinds of social relations. As an important value of human beings, religious doctrine plays an important role in the process of law production and development. America is particularly deeply influenced by religion among the countries that are typically divided between church and state. In the United States today, there seems to be a clear line between religion and law, but once it is implemented in practice, the problems it faces cannot be generalized. In hundreds of years of judicial precedents in the United States, religious doctrine is not uncommon. In recent years, religious doctrine also began to appear in our judicial documents, and aroused heated discussion. This paper intends to explore whether it is reasonable for religious doctrine to be applied in judicial trial from two aspects of theory and practice, and to examine the significance of religious doctrine in the field of judicial trial in our country. This paper is divided into five chapters, as follows. In the first part, the author discusses the historical evolution of the application of religious doctrine in American judicial trial. Since the founding of the United States, the policy of separation of church and state has been established, which clearly distinguishes law from religion, but in practice the separation between the two cannot be achieved. " With the development of society and the evolution of religious pluralism, the concept of religion "also changes with the judicial application of religious doctrine." The second, third part analyzes the condition of the religious doctrine in the judicial trial and the factors of hindrance. The second part of the operating conditions include internal conditions and external conditions. Internal conditions include the universality and goodness of religious teachings. The external conditions are: religious doctrine is one of the sources of law, religious doctrine and institutional law are compatible, and judges exercise discretion will be influenced by religious doctrine. In the third part, the author focuses on the obstacles to the application of religious doctrine in the administration of justice, including its own defects, limited space for application and differences in cultural understanding, and so on. In the fourth part, the author analyzes the validity of religious doctrine in judicial trial. In practice, it is impossible to exclude religious doctrine completely in American judicial trial, but the application of religious doctrine also needs to make a rule. Generally speaking, religious doctrines of universal value do not affect due process rights in judicial trials; religious doctrines involving freedom of religious belief can play a substantial role in judicial trials; judges, clients, lawyers, The religious beliefs of witnesses can have a hidden influence on the outcome of the trial. Finally, the author summarizes the application of the American religious doctrine in the judicial trial, and discusses the special cultural background of our country in the light of the judicial documents cited in recent years. Whether the judicial application of religious doctrine has its merit.


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