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发布时间:2018-07-09 17:07

  本文选题:要件事实 + 真伪不明 ; 参考:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:On how to deal with the facts and false cases, the theorists find that the theoretical research is mainly in the theoretical introduction and theoretical analysis. The few scholars only pay attention to the case, and the practical circles do not pay attention to the problem in an all-round way. Based on this reason, the author combs the theory of truth and authenticity, and tries to use the case of the Chinese referee's documents on the Internet. On the basis of the analysis of how our civil judicial practice deals with the fact and false cases, the application of relevant theories in our judicial practice is discussed, and some rationalization proposals are put forward for judicial practice. The text is divided into four parts, the main content is as follows: the first part: the fact of the true and false unidentified theory. In the process, both parties have exhausted the necessary means of attack and defense on a certain element of fact or key elements. Before the end of the lawsuit, the judge still can not meet the requirements of the standard of proof to achieve a special heart in the process of the judge's heart evidence. The theory circles and the practical circles have different opinions on how to deal with the facts of unidentified cases. The theoretical circle supports that the best way to deal with the truth and false is that the best way to deal with the facts is to apply the rules of objective proof, while the attitude of the practice is prudent and the objective rules of burden of proof can be applied under the circumstances that all kinds of ways can not be dealt with. And ask the judge to have a great discretion, and the mediation is favored in a certain degree. The second part: the type of handling the facts of unidentified cases. By combing the way of mediation, it is found that the standard of burden of proof is reduced according to the proportion of the heart and soul, and the truth and false are not identified as the fact, and the objective proof is used. In accordance with the way of mediation, the dispute dispute is not solved, and finally the dispute dispute is solved by the way of judgment. The third part: the process of handling the truth and false unidentified cases is a failure, but the reason for the still use is that with the change of the judicial policy, the rate of mediation withdrawal has become the evaluation and evaluation. In addition, the advanced mechanism, in addition to other reasons, such as efficiency, interest, and prevention of difficult problems, is so positive that there is a tendency to pursue "zero judgment". The most important thing is that it makes it impossible for the parties to obtain a true victory in this way. It is unavailable to overcome the authenticity of the facts by such methods. In some cases, when the facts are unable to obtain evidence to make it difficult to prove that there is a great difficulty, it still takes a high degree of probability to prove the standard and not to the infringed. Therefore, it is fair to reduce the standard of proof, so that the judge can overcome the fact that the facts are true and false in some cases, and it is reasonable to determine the existence of the causation and the indemnity of the infringer. But it can not be universally applicable for the predictability of the pursuit of law. When the facts of the case are found to be true and false, the concrete practice of the court is not proved. This method is also the most used method of processing in judicial practice. The rules of "rule of evidence >" the second provisions of the second paragraphs are not only applicable to the law when the facts are not true or false, but are treated equally with the fact that the facts are "false" in the process of the judge's heart card. When the standard of proof is proved, the facts can be identified as "true", and the fact that the facts are "false" fails to reach the standard of proof, and the party who can not prove the fact that the facts are "true" can bear the consequences of losing the lawsuit. This method coincides with the 108th articles of the latest "Civil Procedure Law > judicial interpretation". There are some problems in the case of unidentified authenticity: it is not clear about when to identify the true or false boundary, and then the use of mistakes; sometimes the court is not clear about the responsibility of the objective proof, and the subjective burden of proof and the objective proof responsibility appear in the trial. It is sure that some courts properly use the rules to deal with the true and false cases. These courts are mainly concentrated in the courts of Zhejiang, the reason is that the high people's court in Zhejiang should make a provision. The fourth part: the true and false of the judicial practice. In the process of judge's trial, it is necessary to grasp the truth and authenticity of the truth in the course of the judge's trial. For some cases, the judge can solve the problem of authenticity through evidence investigation, and for some cases, the rational use of presumption can also solve the problem of authenticity and uncertainty; all these are the judges' obligation to judge. Secondly, when it is necessary to reduce the party's burden of proof, the judge should apply the right of discretion properly. In particular, it is in accordance with the proportion of heart evidence and the way of reducing the standard of burden of proof, and the rational use of the rules of evidence to judge the seventh contents; finally, when the truth and false of the facts can not be overcome, it is correct. It is true that the rule of objective proof of responsibility, the last way to save the straw, should be dealt with in the case of the application of the rules of the objective proof of proof in accordance with the provisions of the ninety-first provisions of the latest "Civil Procedure Law > judicial interpretation".


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