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发布时间:2018-07-10 14:36

  本文选题:民事起诉权 + 民事调解 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:人类社会在发展进步的同时一直伴随着各种各样的社会纠纷,如何有效地解决纠纷是人类社会发展的永恒课题之一,而公力救济无疑是现代法治社会中最权威最有效的解决方式,从民事诉讼的角度来看,人们寻求公力救济、维护自己合法权益的起点就是民事起诉权的有效行使。然而,随着社会各方面的剧烈变化,民事纠纷数量的激增,起诉门槛过高,使得当事人的起诉权得不到有效保障的问题一直困扰着司法界。因此,本文主要针对“起诉难”这个无论是实践层面上还是法律层面上一直困扰我国司法界的老大难问题,就如何解决该问题及有效保障当事人民事起诉权的顺利行使,提出相关的解决思路和建议。 本文除了引言和结论外,正文由四个部分组成。 第一部分,主要从起诉权与民事诉权的关系出发,通过对起诉权的定义、性质及目的的解读,以及民事诉权相关学说的评析,阐明起诉权的基础理论,进而为下文的论述奠定理论基础。 第二部分,着眼于我国立法和实践越来越重视法院调解这一纠纷解决方式进而导致调解的过度扩张的趋势,,尤其是新《民事诉讼法》增加的“先行调解”法律规定以及近年来出台的“调解优先”司法政策,反映出对当事人起诉权的冲击及起诉权与调解权的内在紧张,进而从独立性和互补性两个方面对起诉权和调解权的关系进行了探讨,最后对调解优先背景下起诉权的地位进行重申,包括正确适用先行调解、理性对待调解优先以及建构适度的调审分离模式。 第三部分,主要从立法层面对民事纠纷的可诉范围这个较为具体的问题进行讨论,剖析其在我国民事起诉权保障过程中存在的不足,通过对其与法院主管范围的辨析以及纠纷可诉性标准的重新认定,进而对其进行完善以更好地解决诉讼实务中的“起诉难”问题。 第四部分,仍然是从立法层面对当事人民事起诉权保障过程中存在的另一个较为具体的问题即民事起诉条件进行探讨,通过对起诉要件与诉讼要件的概念辨析,指出立法对起诉条件的规定中存在的缺陷和不足,进而重新设置我国的民事起诉条件,并对我国的民事立案审查制度进行相应地改革。
[Abstract]:The development and progress of human society has been accompanied by a variety of social disputes, how to effectively resolve disputes is one of the eternal issues of human social development. Public relief is undoubtedly the most authoritative and most effective way to solve the problem in the modern society of rule of law. From the point of view of civil litigation, the starting point for people to seek public relief and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests is the effective exercise of civil right of action. However, with the drastic changes in various aspects of society, the number of civil disputes surge, the threshold of prosecution is too high, so that the litigants can not be effectively protected the right of action has been puzzling the judicial community. Therefore, this article mainly aims at the "prosecution difficulty", whether in practice or in the legal level, which has been puzzling the judicial circles of our country, how to solve this problem and how to effectively guarantee the smooth exercise of the litigants' civil right of action. Put forward the relevant solutions and suggestions. In addition to the introduction and conclusions, the text consists of four parts. The first part, from the relationship between the right of action and the right of civil action, expounds the basic theory of the right of action through the interpretation of the definition, nature and purpose of the right of action, as well as the analysis of the relevant theories of the right of civil action. Then lay a theoretical foundation for the following discussion. The second part, focusing on our legislation and practice, pay more and more attention to court mediation, which leads to the excessive expansion of mediation. In particular, the new Civil procedure Law has added the legal provisions of "mediation first" and the judicial policy of "mediation first" issued in recent years, which reflects the impact on the litigant's right to sue and the inherent tension between the right of prosecution and the right of mediation. Then the relationship between the right of prosecution and the right of mediation is discussed from the aspects of independence and complementarity. Finally, the status of the right of action in the context of priority mediation is reiterated, including the correct application of mediation in advance. Rational treatment of mediation priority and the construction of a moderate mode of separation of trial. The third part mainly discusses the scope of civil disputes from the legislative level, analyzes its shortcomings in the process of safeguarding the right of action in China. Through the analysis of the scope of its competence from the court and the redetermination of the standard of litigability of disputes, it is further improved to solve the problem of "difficulty in litigation" in litigation practice. The fourth part, is still from the legislative level to the litigants civil standing right safeguard process existence another more concrete question, namely the civil lawsuit condition carries on the discussion, through to the lawsuit element and the lawsuit element concept differentiation analysis. This paper points out the defects and deficiencies in the provisions of the legislation on the prosecution conditions, and then sets up the civil prosecution conditions of our country, and carries on the corresponding reform to the civil filing and examining system of our country.


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