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发布时间:2018-07-10 16:29

  本文选题:行政诉讼 + 简易程序 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:不同于民事和刑事诉讼,我国的行政诉讼一直采用普通程序审理,没有规定简易程序,这在一定程度上影响了行政诉讼的审判效率,增加了当事人的诉讼成本,损害了当事人的合法权益。为了能更加合理地配置司法资源,达到司法公正与效率兼顾的目的,增设行政诉讼简易程序的规定,势在必行。本文将从理论和实践层面对行政诉讼简易程序进行全面分析,提出自己粗浅的观点。文章主要分为三个部分。 第一部分:行政诉讼简易程序的运作现状。主要从法律文本变迁和实际运作变迁两个方面介绍我国行政诉讼简易程序的发展历程。侧重分析《关于开展行政诉讼简易程序试点工作的通知》的得失,以及地方法院开展行政诉讼简易程序的司法实践。 第二部分:行政诉讼简易程序兴起的原因。从提高诉讼效率、降低诉讼成本、审判环境变化、国内外立法趋势四个方面进行阐述。 第三部分:行政诉讼简易程序的制度构建。借鉴国内民事、刑事诉讼简易程序的成功经验,以及国外的理论和实践,从适用范围、审判组织、审理规则三个部分提出我国行政诉讼简易程序的制度架构。
[Abstract]:Unlike civil and criminal proceedings, administrative proceedings in our country have been tried through ordinary procedures and have not provided for summary procedures. To some extent, this has affected the efficiency of the administrative proceedings and increased the litigant costs. It damages the legitimate rights and interests of the parties concerned. In order to allocate the judicial resources more reasonably and achieve the goal of both judicial justice and efficiency, it is imperative to add the provision of summary procedure in administrative litigation. This paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the summary procedure of administrative litigation from the theoretical and practical aspects, and puts forward its own superficial point of view. The article is divided into three parts. The first part: the current situation of summary procedure in administrative litigation. This paper mainly introduces the development course of summary procedure of administrative litigation in China from two aspects: the change of legal text and the change of actual operation. The paper emphatically analyzes the gains and losses of the notice on the trial of Summary procedure in Administrative Litigation and the judicial practice of the Local Court in carrying out the Summary procedure in Administrative Litigation. The second part: the reason of the rise of summary procedure in administrative litigation. From four aspects: improving litigation efficiency, reducing litigation cost, trial environment change, domestic and foreign legislative trend. The third part: the system construction of administrative litigation summary procedure. This paper draws lessons from the successful experience of summary procedure in civil and criminal proceedings at home and abroad, and puts forward the system framework of summary procedure in administrative litigation in China from three parts: applicable scope, trial organization and trial rules.


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