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发布时间:2018-07-11 11:23

  本文选题:违法所得 + 适用问题 ; 参考:《贵州民族大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济全球化的不断发展,贪污贿赂和恐怖活动等犯罪的资产转移方式近年来日趋多样化、愈加隐蔽,犯罪分子对外转移赃款潜逃的现象越来越多。我国在加入《联合国反腐败公约》后(以下简称《公约》),积极衔接《公约》严惩贪污贿赂、恐怖活动犯罪和追缴违法所得的要求。在犯罪嫌疑人、被告人潜逃、死亡的情况下,为确保最大程度上追回在境外的腐败资产,《公约》要求其缔约国必须根据本国的法律对涉案财产采取必要的控制措施,在未对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人定罪审判的情形下先行没收其违法所得,再返还给请求国。 2012年《刑事诉讼法》专门在特别程序中新增“犯罪嫌疑人、被告人逃匿、死亡案件违法所得的没收程序”,最高院在修正案正式施行后对新出台的违法所得没收程序专门规定了适用解释和最高人民检察院颁布的《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则(试行)》分别制定了一系列具体运行该程序的细则。该程序的出台,引起了我国法学界和司法实务界对其涉及的各种法律问题进行热烈的讨论。因为我国在刑事诉讼体系中没有设立缺席审判的制度,该程序的建立能弥补我国1996年的刑事诉讼法的缺陷,恢复被犯罪分子破坏的社会关系和社会秩序,也就是即使犯罪分子出逃到国外或者是死亡的情形,人民法院无法对其进行审判,其贪污腐败资产或者是恐怖活动等犯罪所得还是有可能在尚未对其进行定罪的情况下被我国司法机关没收的,这确立完善了我国现行刑事诉讼制度和反腐败体系,对我国刑事立法具有极其重要的意义。但违法所得没收程序作为一项新的刑事诉讼特别程序,在制度的内容上还比较粗糙,为防止出现有法不依或有法乱依的情形,还需要对其相关配套措施进一步完善。 基于违法所得没收程序的立法概况和适用现状,本文概述了该程序的适用情况,然后针对学界中关于该程序在适用中遇到的问题进行探讨,指出其需要进一步在理论和实践中完善。在此基础上,结合立法上的欠缺,着重分析了产生这些问题在工作机制中的缺陷,然后指出解决这些问题需遵循的理论和原则,进行深入讨论后提出一系列的完善建议措施。 本论文正文分三个部分。第一章基于我国违法所得没收程序的立法概况和实践状况,概述了该程序的适用情况,然后针对实务机关指出的该程序在实践适用中遇到的问题进行探讨,指出该程序需要进一步在理论和实践中进行完善。第二章结合立法上的欠缺,着重分析了产生这些问题的工作机制中的缺陷。然后针对违法所得没收程序在适用中存在的问题,指出了解决这些问题需遵循的理论和原则。第三章针对违法所得没收程序的适用问题,,遵循上述理论和原则的基础上,进行深入讨论后提出一系列的完善建议措施,这是本文的重点所在。期望本文能推进违法所得没收程序在我国的司法实践中不断进行探索和完善,使其更好地为刑事诉讼体系服务,以实现我国的刑事诉讼价值。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of economic globalization, the way of transfer of assets, such as corruption, bribery and terrorist activities, is increasingly diversified in recent years, more and more hidden, and more and more criminals have escaped from the stolen money. China has joined the Convention on anti corruption (hereinafter referred to as < convention >), and actively joins the Convention > to punish corruption and bribery, and fear to punish corruption and bribery. In the case of a crime of terror and the request for the recovery of illegal income. In the case of a criminal suspect, a defendant who has fled and the death of a person, in order to ensure the maximum recovery of the corrupt assets in the country, the Convention requires that the State Party should take the necessary control measures to the property involved in the case in accordance with its own laws and the conviction and trial of the accused and the accused. First, confiscate its illegal income and return it to the requesting state.
In 2012, the criminal procedure law specifically added "criminal suspects, defendants to escape, and the confiscation procedure of illegal income in the case of death" in special procedures. The supreme court specifically stipulated the applicable interpretation and the criminal procedure regulations of the people's Procuratorate issued by the Supreme People's Procuratorate after the formal implementation of the amendment. A series of detailed rules for the specific operation of the procedure have been formulated respectively. The introduction of the procedure has caused a heated discussion on various legal issues related to it by the legal and judicial circles in our country. Because China has not established the system of default trial in the criminal procedure system, the establishment of this procedure can make up for the punishment of our country in 1996. The defects of the procedural law, the restoration of social relations and social order destroyed by the criminals, that is, even if the criminals escape to a foreign country or the situation of death, the people's court may not be able to try it, or the proceeds of the crime, such as the corrupt assets or the terrorist activities, are still possible under the circumstances of which they have not been convicted. The confiscation of the judicial organs of our country has established and perfected the current system of criminal procedure and the system of anti-corruption in our country, which is of great significance to our criminal legislation. However, the procedure of confiscation of illegal income as a new special procedure for criminal proceedings is still relatively rough in the content of the system, in order to prevent the occurrence of unlawful or unlawful dependence. Form, it is necessary to further improve its related supporting measures.
Based on the general situation and application status of the process of illegal income confiscation, this paper summarizes the application of the procedure, then discusses the problems encountered in the application of the program, and points out that it needs to be further improved in theory and practice. On this basis, combining with the lack of legislation, it focuses on the analysis of these problems. The shortcomings of the problem in the working mechanism are pointed out, and then the theories and principles to be followed in solving these problems are pointed out. After a thorough discussion, a series of suggestions for improvement are put forward.
The main body of this paper is divided into three parts. The first chapter, based on the general situation of the legislation and practice of the illegal income confiscation procedure in China, summarizes the application of the procedure, and then discusses the problems encountered in the application of the procedure pointed out by the practical organs, and points out that the procedure needs to be further improved in theory and practice. Second Combined with the lack of legislation, the chapter emphatically analyzes the defects in the working mechanism that produces these problems. Then, in view of the problems existing in the application of the illegal income confiscation procedure in the application, it points out the theory and principles to be followed in solving these problems. The third chapter is based on the application of the illegal income confiscation procedure and follows the basis of the above theories and principles. On the other hand, a series of perfect suggestions are put forward, which is the key point of this article. This article is expected to promote the continuous exploration and improvement of the illegal income confiscation procedure in our judicial practice so that it can serve the criminal litigation system better and realize the value of the criminal procedure in our country.


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