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发布时间:2018-07-11 12:19

  本文选题:刑事被害人 + 诉讼参与度 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a direct victim of criminal activities and one of the participants in criminal proceedings, criminal victims deserve comprehensive protection and fair treatment. However, in our judicial practice, the protection of criminal victims has been criticized, the criminal victims can not really participate in the proceedings, it is difficult to have a substantial impact on the criminal proceedings. Most importantly, it is difficult to obtain adequate material and moral compensation in criminal proceedings. In order to solve this problem, under the influence of the worldwide victimology research boom, some domestic scholars put forward that criminal victims should be given more independent litigation status and broader and deeper litigation rights in legislation. And a better claim. Although these ideas are useful attempts to protect the rights of criminal victims, it is not difficult to find that if we consider the systematic and balanced nature of criminal proceedings as an organic whole, Such claims are of no benefit to the establishment of a fair and reasonable environment for criminal proceedings. This paper briefly discusses the participation of criminal victims in litigation from the following six aspects, and tries to put forward the basic thinking of rationalizing the participation of criminal victims in proceedings. In the first part, the meaning of the criminal victim and the degree of participation in the proceedings are clarified, and the definition of the concept of "criminal victim" is put forward in this paper, which lays a foundation for the later writing. The second part briefly analyzes the domestic research status of criminal victim protection, introduces some mainstream views, and discusses the rationality of these views. In the third part, the author chooses the representative countries of different legal system and different criminal procedure mode to study the comparative law in order to learn useful experience from the advanced system. In the fourth part, the author mainly discusses the rationality and feasibility of strengthening the participation of criminal victims in criminal proceedings, and discusses the possible negative effects caused by the excessive participation of victims in criminal proceedings. The fifth part, from the criminal procedure characteristic and the principle, the lawsuit right question, the present legislation stipulation and so on, has carried on the basic consideration to our country criminal victim lawsuit participation degree. In the sixth part, the author puts forward the basic thinking on the rationality of criminal victim's participation in litigation, mainly on the basis of adhering to the principle of limited participation, and reforming and perfecting the criminal proceedings in our country accordingly. In order to ensure the landing of the existing rules, at the same time supplemented by a socialized, diversified conflict resolution mechanism, the ultimate realization of the overall protection of the rights and interests of criminal victims.


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