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发布时间:2018-07-12 11:08

  本文选题:翻供 + 侦查障碍 ; 参考:《甘肃政法学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:"Confession" means that a criminal suspect overthrow or partly overthrow in the process of investigation, change the guilty confession that he has made, put forward a relevant argument, or make a new statement to change the facts of the original statement, or overthrow, change the confession that has been made against the crimes of others. It can be a criminal suspect overthrowing his or her own disadvantageous confession or an excuse to overthrow himself. From the criminal procedure, the confession is actually a procedural act. This act may also occur in any link and stage of the whole proceedings. With the legal consciousness of the people. With the continuous enhancement of the criminal suspects, the criminal suspects will change with the continuous deepening of the interrogation process and the change of the environment. The possibility of the occurrence of the confession is greater. The appearance of the reconnaissance stage will have a great influence on the evidence system of the case, which means that the evidence will be supplemented and the situation of the reconnaissance will occur and the proceedings will stagnate. Not before, to reduce the efficiency of the lawsuit. As far as China is concerned, the confession of criminal suspects is not rare in judicial practice. Scholars and judicial personnel have analyzed the reasons for the confession of criminal suspects and put forward some specific judicial suggestions in view of this phenomenon. From the analysis of the reasons for the reasons for the return, many views are considered as suspects. The reason why the confession is due to the fear of the crime is an attempt to escape the punishment, or to overthrow the previous confession for the shelter of others, and the influence of other suspects, lawyers and other external personnel. These are only part of these reasons. The reasons for frequent confession include not only the repeated factors of the suspect itself, but also the interference of external factors. If we do not analyze the root cause of the confession, the countermeasures are also unable to achieve the role of both the specimen and the treatment. The first part of this article is mainly to analyze the manifestation of the reconnaissance stage, and the form of expression is complex and changeable in the stage of investigation. First, it is manifested in the broad generalization of the content of the confession, and the criminal suspect is in the investigation stage. After confessing his own criminal facts to the investigative interrogators, they overthrow their original confession, and they can be divided into full confession and partial confession from the different changes of content, the confession and untruthful confession are made, and the confession is favorable and the disadvantageous confession is favorable; secondly, the diversity of the degree of confession is displayed, and the difference of the degree of confession is divided into tentative exploration. In the second part of this paper, the second part of this article is mainly to explain the influence on the continuing investigation of the case. First, in the stage of investigation, criminal suspects' reconfession affects the continuation of the proceedings. Secondly, it disrupts the evidence system constructed by investigators in the stage of investigation. Finally, it reduces the efficiency of the whole case, which causes the extension of the whole trial period, increasing the difficulty and cost of the litigation, occupying judicial resources, increasing the judicial resources, and increasing the judicial resources. The third part of this article mainly analyzes the causes of the case in the investigation stage, and the author begins to elaborate on the psychological change of the suspects, and then leads to the reconnaissance caused by the lack of supervision of the surveillance environment, not only from the angle of the criminal suspect. Analysis of the reasons for the reasons, should also be analyzed from the improper intervention of lawyers and the defects of the investigation quality. The fourth part of this paper puts forward the countermeasures against the reasons for the reconnaissance in the investigation stage, first of all, to prevent the criminal suspects from psychological prevention, secondly, to strengthen the supervision and management of the detention places, and to standardize the practice activities of lawyers, and finally, We should improve the quality of investigation in all aspects.


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