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发布时间:2018-07-12 20:05

  本文选题:恢复性司法 + 适用范围 ; 参考:《山东大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 论文首先对恢复性司法概念进行了界定并阐述了恢复性司法的理论基础。恢复性司法又称为修复性司法,二者皆译自英文restorative justice。对于恢复性司法,目前没有一个能够为人们普遍接受的概念。恢复性司法可以追溯到二十世纪七十年代,为适应刑罚轻缓化的趋势和对被害人权利保障的关注,西方的法律改革者提出了恢复性司法理论,并在英、美、德等国的司法实践中得到推广应用九十年代恢复性司法得到蓬勃的发展,联合国等国际组织也制定了一系列决议以指导各国的恢复性司法制度建设。对恢复性司法的内涵,理论上没有统一的界定,但可以总结出其一般的特征、内容和一般程序。我们应清醒地认识到在我国建立恢复性司法有很多观念和制度上的障碍,同时也有着一些有利的因素。 研究恢复性司法适用范围主要有以下几方面的意义:为恢复性司法在中国的引进提供保障;最大限度的保护当事人利益;减少恢复性司法适用的阻力;避免制度设计上的极端化现象,防范可能产生的一些负面影响。接着说明恢复性司法适用范围的界定原则以及制度的构建的前提。主要从理论研究不足对适用的限制,中国社会层面对适用的限制,中国制度层面对适用的限制等三方面进行了论述。然后提出在中国如何进行恢复性司法的制度构建。 本文着重界定了中国恢复性司法的适用范围。一方面界定了原则上可以适用的案件主体和案件类型,另一方面界定了原则上不能适用的案件主体和案件类型。
[Abstract]:Firstly, the paper defines the concept of restorative justice and expounds the theoretical basis of restorative justice. Restorative justice is also called restorative justice, both of which are translated from English restorative justice. There is no universally accepted concept of restorative justice. Restorative justice can be traced back to the 1970s. In order to adapt to the trend of light punishment and concern about the protection of victims' rights, Western legal reformers put forward the theory of restorative justice in the United Kingdom and the United States. The judicial practice of Germany and other countries has been popularized and applied to restorative justice in the 1990s, and international organizations such as the United Nations have formulated a series of resolutions to guide the construction of restorative justice system in various countries. There is no unified definition of the connotation of restorative justice in theory, but its general characteristics, contents and general procedures can be summed up. We should soberly realize that there are many conceptual and institutional obstacles to the establishment of restorative justice in China, and at the same time, there are some favorable factors. Research on the scope of application of restorative justice has the following significance: to provide protection for the introduction of restorative justice in China, to protect the interests of the parties to the maximum extent, to reduce the resistance to the application of restorative justice; Avoid the extreme phenomenon in the system design and guard against some possible negative effects. Then it explains the defining principle of the scope of application of restorative justice and the premise of the construction of the system. This paper mainly discusses the limitations of application from the aspects of the lack of theoretical research, the limitation of application from the social level of China, and the limitation of application from the level of Chinese system. Then it puts forward how to construct the system of restorative justice in China. This paper focuses on defining the scope of application of restorative justice in China. On the one hand, it defines the subjects and types of cases that can be applied in principle, on the other hand, defines the subjects and types of cases that can not be applied in principle.


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1 周春玲;我国特殊刑事重罪追诉引入恢复性司法之探究[D];浙江工业大学;2010年

2 刘U,




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