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发布时间:2018-07-14 21:54
【摘要】:“尊重和保障人权”被写入刑事诉讼法已有时日,随着司法实践中证据制度、辩护制度、强制措施、侦查措施、审查起诉、审判程序等制度的落实,逐步贯彻了尊重和保障人权的精神。这是中国人权事业的重大进步,对于惩罚犯罪、保护人民以及保障公民的诉讼权利和其他合法权利,具有十分重大的意义。 惩罚犯罪和保障人权是刑事诉讼程序活动的两大重要目的,但是国家公权力在打击犯罪的过程中,难免会因权力的不当使用而侵犯公民人权,,使被追诉人得不到法律规定的人权保障,因此为了实现刑事诉讼惩罚犯罪与保障人权并重的目的,在刑事诉讼的过程中如何保障被追诉人的人权是刑事诉讼人权保障的重要课题。 加强刑事诉讼中被追诉人的人权保障,对于维护诉讼公正、正确适用宪法以及实现刑事诉讼中的人权具有重要的现实意义。然而,长期以来的官本位思想使得刑事诉讼中的人权没有得到很好的贯彻,以至于出现刑讯逼供、暴力执法导致的冤假错案,因此刑事诉讼中的人权保护问题仍然需要得到重视。本文首先通过界定刑事诉讼中被追诉人的人权,包括被追诉人人权的内涵和分类,接着分析刑事诉讼结构的完善与正当法律程序原则对于保障被追诉人人权的意义,最后论述如何实现刑事诉讼中被追诉人人权保障的制度完善。
[Abstract]:"respecting and protecting human rights" has been written into the Criminal procedure Law for some time. With the implementation of the system of evidence, defense, coercive measures, investigation measures, examination and prosecution, trial procedure, etc., in judicial practice, The spirit of respecting and safeguarding human rights has been gradually implemented. This is a major advance in China's human rights cause and has great significance for punishing crimes, protecting the people and safeguarding citizens' litigation and other legal rights. Punishing crime and safeguarding human rights are two important purposes of criminal procedure activities. However, in the process of combating crime, the public power of the state will inevitably violate the human rights of citizens because of the improper use of power. Depriving the accused person of the human rights guarantees provided for by law, and thus, in order to achieve the goal of placing equal emphasis on the punishment of crimes and the protection of human rights in criminal proceedings, How to protect the human rights of the accused is an important subject in the criminal procedure. Strengthening the protection of the human rights of the accused in criminal proceedings is of great practical significance for safeguarding the fairness of litigation, correctly applying the Constitution and realizing human rights in criminal proceedings. However, for a long time, the official standard thought made the human rights in criminal proceedings not be well carried out, so that there were cases of unjust falsehood caused by torture and violent law enforcement. Therefore, the protection of human rights in criminal proceedings still needs to be paid attention to. This paper first defines the human rights of the accused in criminal proceedings, including the connotation and classification of the human rights of the accused, and then analyzes the significance of the perfection of the criminal procedure structure and the principle of due process for the protection of the human rights of the accused. Finally, it discusses how to perfect the system of human rights protection in criminal proceedings.


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