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发布时间:2018-07-15 07:37
[Abstract]:Based on the background of the reason why the jury system is separated from the fact trial, this paper probes into the actual operation of this model, and on the basis of investigating and drawing lessons from the jury system in the common law countries, This paper puts forward the train of thought and system design of constructing the jury mode of relative separation between the legal trial and the factual trial in the civil action. The first part of the article begins with the background of the construction of the judicial trial and the factual trial separation jury mode in civil litigation, which is divided into four parts. First of all, it analyzes the disadvantages and reform reasons of the people's jury system, mainly from the system, judicial and social three aspects. Secondly, the basic definition of legal trial and factual trial is clear, and the definition of the two is different from that of civil action. Thirdly, tracing back to the practice of the reform of the people's jury system. Finally, the introduction of the trial and the trial of the fact of the trial system reform pilot program. The second part introduces and analyzes the practice of separating the trial of law from the trial of fact in civil litigation. First of all, it analyzes the concrete design of the judicial trial and the factual trial in practice. Secondly, the author analyzes the obstacles in the separation of the trial of law and the trial of fact from four aspects: theory, system, procedure and personnel. The third part is mainly about the investigation and reference of jury system in Anglo-American law system. The first is to investigate the jury system in the main common law countries and regions. The second is to compare the people's jury system with the jury system horizontally, draw lessons from both positive and negative aspects, think that we should not only absorb the advantages of the jury system, but also avoid its defects. The fourth part of the article puts forward the construction suggestion of the judicial trial and the fact trial in the civil action. The first is to confirm the status of relative separation mechanism, summarize and compare the theory of "absolute separation" and "relative separation", and think that it is necessary to construct the jury mode of "relative separation" between legal trial and factual trial in civil litigation. That is to promote the people's jurors in a specific case of the fact of the dominant right, but judges are not necessarily excluded from the process of fact determination because of the loss of the dominant power. Then, this model is designed and constructed from three aspects: legislative perfection, program design and supporting system perfection.


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