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发布时间:2018-07-15 09:37
[Abstract]:The anti-corruption struggle in China is coordinated by party committees, discipline inspection and supervision departments and procuratorial organs to fight against corruption in different areas and at different levels. In judicial practice, due to the high overlap between party members and state functionaries within the main body, a large number of corruption and bribery cases have to be tried by discipline inspection and supervision departments, and those suspected of crimes are transferred to the judicial organs. Therefore, whether the discipline inspection evidence can be transformed into criminal judicial evidence and how to turn it into criminal evidence has become the core link between discipline inspection supervision organ and procuratorial organ. As for the transformation of disciplinary inspection and supervision evidence in criminal proceedings, there is no clear stipulation in the present criminal procedure law of our country. In practice, the conversion of verbal evidence is mostly repeated evidence collection and supplementary procedure. Physical evidence is more through the extraction procedures into criminal judicial evidence. In general, there are some problems in the transformation of discipline inspection and supervision evidence, such as insufficient specification, weak maneuverability, different local situations and easy to be influenced by subjective and objective factors. The lack of legal norms for the transformation of evidence, the existence of differences between discipline inspection evidence and criminal evidence collection subject, collection procedure and collection means are the restrictive factors that prevent discipline inspection and supervision evidence from directly entering the evidence of criminal proceedings. The transformation of disciplinary inspection and supervision evidence has its practical necessity. As a special disciplinary inspection and investigation measure, "two rules" and "two fingers" can quickly control the objects involved in the case in time and space, communicate the control information channels, and exclude the parties concerned from cross-supplying. Therefore, it is necessary and necessary to improve the efficiency of investigation and the increasingly austere struggle against corruption, which requires the discipline inspection and supervision organs to play their prominent role. At the same time, discipline inspection and supervision evidence meets the requirements of authenticity, relevance, evidence power, and there are many common points with criminal evidence, which provides a prerequisite and operational feasibility for discipline inspection and supervision evidence conversion. From the perspective of governing the country according to law and administering the Party strictly, the author believes that it is more practical to ensure the implementation of the standard of the transformation of discipline inspection and supervision evidence through procedural design, that is, to construct the concrete operation path of the transformation of discipline inspection and supervision evidence in discipline inspection work. Based on the principle of comprehensive transformation rules and best evidence rules, the scope of evidence transformation is clarified, and the discipline inspection and supervision evidence of different forms of evidence is transformed into criminal judicial evidence in accordance with the standardized procedure.


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