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发布时间:2018-07-15 17:57
[Abstract]:Evidence exchange system refers to the parties involved in civil proceedings and their agents who, before the hearing of the court and under the organization of the court, automatically submit and exchange evidence materials in their respective possession in accordance with the legal procedures and methods, Otherwise, the system will bear certain legal consequences. The system originated in England, that is, the discovery of evidence system, and then evolved into an important system in the pretrial procedure. Perfect evidence exchange system plays an important role in improving litigation efficiency, clarifying dispute focus and preventing evidence raid. The early Civil procedure Law of China did not provide for the exchange of evidence. However, with the development of our society and the increase in the number of civil proceedings, the problems of litigation raids, delays in litigation and so on have become more and more prominent. On December 21, 2001, the Supreme people's Court adopted several provisions on evidence in Civil procedure, which established the system of evidence exchange in our country from the angle of judicial interpretation. This is of great significance to the perfection of civil procedure in our country, but there are some contradictions between the judicial interpretation and the civil procedure law, and the validity can not be confronted with the law. In 2012, our country revised the Civil procedure Law. Among them, the pretrial procedure has been revised, and the system of evidence exchange has also been established in legislation. However, both the rules of evidence and the new civil procedure law, the provisions of the system of evidence exchange are more general, so that the system in judicial practice has not been more perfect implementation. Starting with the basic theory of evidence exchange system, this paper analyzes the characteristics and functions of evidence exchange system, and makes an investigation and reference to the evidence exchange system in the representative countries of Anglo-American law system and continental law system. Then it discusses the present situation, existing problems and reasons of the implementation of the evidence exchange system in China, and provides suggestions for the perfection of the system from the aspects of the main body, scope and mode of evidence exchange. It also provides a good connection between evidence exchange and the new contents and systems in the Civil procedure Law, such as the significance of the establishment of the principle of good faith to the exchange of evidence, the application of electronic evidence in the exchange of evidence, and the prominence of party autonomy. Coordination of evidence exchange and evidentiary time limit and other aspects of the issue, put forward their own views.


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