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发布时间:2018-07-15 20:58
[Abstract]:Legal terminology is often regarded as a closed discourse that can exist independently without the help of other external texts. Through the empirical analysis of the expression "ordinary residence" in the cases of foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong and the discussion of relevant cases, this paper examines the construction, deconstruction and reconstruction of legal terms from the perspective of social semiotics, thus revealing the emergence of legal terms. Development has a certain time and space. The construction of the meaning of a particular legal term has a certain sociality, and a given meaning of the term will also be deconstructed with the development of society, and the process of deconstruction is a new round of construction, that is, reconstruction. Legal interpretation is not a pure application of interpretation methods, but a process and result of dialogue between different social subjects. The article shows that the methodology of law has strong theoretical research value and practical interpretation ability to examine legal interpretation from the perspective of social semiotics.
【作者单位】: 浙江工商大学外国语学院;


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