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发布时间:2018-07-15 21:17
[Abstract]:Judge disciplinary system is an important content of our country's judge system. It is of great significance to perfect the existing judge disciplinary system, which is helpful to maintain judicial independence, standardize judges' behavior, curb judicial corruption and improve judicial credibility. From the perspective of judicial reform, the system of corrections for judges is also a priority for judicial reform, and the 2015 opinion issued by the Supreme Court on deepening the reform of the Court made it clear that the Judicial Corrections Committee would be established at the national and provincial levels, This reflects our country's determination to perfect the judge's disciplinary system and provides an important opportunity for the further development of the judge's disciplinary system. However, it is difficult to reflect the professional characteristics of judges and adapt to the new situation of current judicial reform because of the defects of disciplinary matters, the absence of specific operating procedures and the intersection of disciplinary measures and administrative sanctions. In view of this, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the system of judges' discipline, probes into the deep-seated reasons and compares the outstanding experiences of western countries, and under the background of reform, actively establishes the system of judge's disciplinary with Chinese characteristics. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part, based on the concept and connotation of judge discipline, explains the value of constructing judge disciplinary system. The second part, first of all, the current system of judge punishment from many aspects, various angles to carry on the detailed introduction. In terms of the subject and subject matter of the disciplinary punishment of judges, it is mainly by the court supervisory departments at all levels to punish the judges who violate the law and discipline, and the Supreme Court's regulations on the punishment of staff members of the people's Court have clear provisions on the disciplinary procedures; Disciplinary measures are mainly referred to the way of punishment of civil servants. Then from five aspects, such as unreasonable setting, unscientific reason, administrative procedure and chaotic standard, the malpractice exposed in our country's current judge disciplinary system is explained in depth. This paper analyzes and summarizes the reasons for the imperfection of the disciplinary system from three aspects: the influence of the traditional judicial culture, the blur of the supervision responsibility and the different qualities of the judges. The third part, explains, summarizes and analyzes the judges' disciplinary in some western countries. In the fourth part, starting with the existing problems of our country's judge disciplinary system, the author puts forward the judicial idea of establishing procedural justice and establishing the legal basis of high rank, so that there is a real legal basis for the punishment of judges who violate the law and discipline. On the basis of upholding the principles of judicial independence and disciplinary justice, the author designs the disciplinary system of judges, which is mainly to establish the "external internal" dual disciplinary institution model, and to bring the post judges and judicial support personnel into the disciplinary objects. The judge who violates the law and discipline shall be punished by judicial procedure. Take the procedure standard as the criterion of "wrong case", limit the reason of disciplinary exception, and perfect the measure of punishment in an all-round way.


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