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发布时间:2018-07-16 17:39
[Abstract]:Although "beyond reasonable doubt" is formally regarded as the standard of proof in the newly revised Criminal procedure Law of China, there is still a great debate in the legal circles of our country on how to set the standard of proof, for example, the vice president of Shen Deyong of the Supreme Court would rather misplace it. Nor should it be wrongly judged. "the argument has caused a great deal of controversy." Using the framework of law and economics, this paper expounds in detail that the establishment of standard of proof should minimize the sum of administrative cost and wrong cost, and compares and analyzes the standard of proof of criminal, civil and administrative proceedings. The traditional legal analysis of the standard of proof is deficient in systematic consistency, comprehensiveness and interpretability, but the comparative analysis of law and economics can make up for the above deficiencies. It also puts forward an extremely important factor which is ignored by the traditional legal analysis but affects the setting of the standard of proof-the cost that the person responsible for proof has to pay in order to meet the requirements of the standard of proof, that is, the administrative cost. Applying this analysis frame to the case of Liao Zongrong v. Traffic Police in the Supreme Court Bulletin case, we can get a new conclusion which is different from the original judgment, that is, the standard of proof in this case can be further improved, and the court has good reason to decide that the traffic policeman lost the case.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学法与经济学研究中心;


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