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发布时间:2018-07-16 16:06
[Abstract]:The system of administrative organ chief appearing in court is a bright spot in the revision of the Administrative procedure Law. Although there is a clear legal basis for the system, there are still two-level disputes over the system. As a system with Chinese characteristics, it has its own social soil and endogenous demand at present. Its establishment is conducive to resolving disputes in administrative litigation, setting up the image of the government ruled by law, and maintaining the judicial authority. Therefore, the local governments have to promote the administrative organs to appear in court as an important content of administration according to law. This paper analyzes the present situation of this system in the past two years and finds that it has achieved some good results in its implementation. However, the appearance rate of the principal of administrative organs is still low, the negative response of administrative organs is still low, and the effect of appearing in court does not reach the preset effect. There are also many problems in legislation and practice, such as imperfect judicial interpretation, trial procedure is easily interrupted by the failure of the chief executive to appear in court, and so on. The article holds that in order to make the system of chief executive appear in court to be more solid in theory, more mature in operating mechanism, to perfect the judicial interpretation and to establish more concrete contents, the court should perfect the corresponding trial supporting system. Administrative organs should strengthen administrative supervision and optimize the effect of media publicity.


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