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发布时间:2018-07-17 01:23
【摘要】:刑事诉讼专家辅助人制度“师承”意大利的技术顾问制度,是在保持我国基本鉴定制度的基础上,借鉴英美法系专家证人制度的有益经验,将专家引入刑事诉讼程序,由专家出庭对专门性问题进行说明、对质和询问鉴定人,以解决公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人对专门性问题的困惑,弥补他们在与案件有关的专门知识方面的匮乏。刑事诉讼专家辅助人制度符合我国的诉讼模式和司法制度实际,有利于实现刑事诉讼价值;有利于更好地保障当事人的人权;有利于加强对鉴定意见的审查判断,有利于促进司法公正,提高司法效率。 刑事诉讼专家辅助人制度在新修改的《刑事诉讼法》中已有规定,但该规定过于原则和抽象,缺乏具体程序和可操作性,导致刑事诉讼专家辅助人制度难以形成一套有效运作的制度体系,也就难以发挥刑事诉讼专家辅助人制度的作用。本文通过比较分析、法条分析和实证分析等方法,在深入比较大陆法系的鉴定人制度和英美法系的专家证人制度的基础之上,汲取出适合我国本土法律环境的制度要素,从专家辅助人的诉讼地位、资格与选任、权利与义务、专家辅助人的责任以及专家辅助人意见的定位等方面完善了我国的刑事诉讼专家辅助人制度,并提出了具体的立法建议。
[Abstract]:On the basis of maintaining the basic appraisal system of our country and drawing lessons from the beneficial experience of the expert witness system in common law system, the system of technical consultant in Italy is introduced into the criminal procedure. Experts appear in court to explain, confront and question experts in order to resolve the confusion of prosecutors, parties and defenders, and ad litem agents, and to make up for their lack of expertise related to the case. The system of expert adjuncts in criminal proceedings conforms to the litigation mode and the reality of the judicial system in our country, which is conducive to realizing the value of criminal proceedings; it is conducive to better protecting the human rights of the parties; and it is conducive to strengthening the examination and judgment of the appraisal opinions. It is beneficial to promote judicial justice and improve judicial efficiency. The system of expert auxiliaries in criminal proceedings has been stipulated in the newly amended Criminal procedure Law, but this provision is too principled and abstract and lacks concrete procedures and maneuverability. As a result, it is difficult to form a set of effective system, and it is difficult to give full play to the system of expert assistant in criminal procedure. By means of comparative analysis, law analysis and empirical analysis, this paper, on the basis of a deep comparison of the expert witness system in the continental law system and the expert witness system in the common law system, draws the system elements suitable for the local legal environment of our country. This paper perfects the system of expert assistant in criminal procedure from the following aspects: litigation status, qualification and selection, right and duty, responsibility of expert assistant and position of opinion of expert assistant, and puts forward specific legislative suggestions.


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