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发布时间:2018-07-20 22:03
[Abstract]:The third party assessment, due to its scientific assessment methods, reliable evaluation institutions, reasonable evaluation mechanisms and effective evaluation conclusions, can be introduced to our country to solve difficult problems. It is a systematic project to solve the problem of implementation. It needs overall assessment analysis, continuous attempt and summary, and it needs the help of the force other than the executive. In order to improve the relevant supporting system, in view of the difficult implementation of the third party evaluation, we should reasonably describe the status of the difficult implementation, analyze the reasons for the difficult implementation, scientifically put forward the difficult solutions, actively influence the implementation of policies and decisions, and effectively promote the social dissemination of the implementation of the reform. At the same time, we should pay attention to the limit of the existence of intellectual support. The conclusion of the assessment of sexual analysis should be necessary for the evaluation of the results and the process and link of the assessment, calmly and tolerant of the problems raised in the assessment program, and to prevent the conclusion of excessive reliance on the third party assessment.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学法学院;


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