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发布时间:2018-07-21 16:26
[Abstract]:Since the establishment of administrative litigation system in China, it has played an important role in restricting administrative power, supervising the operation of administrative power and protecting the legal rights of administrative counterpart. With the change of the social environment, the legal environment of our country has also changed greatly. The malpractice of the administrative trial system in our country has become increasingly obvious: the independence of the administrative trial is insufficient, and it is difficult to accept the administrative litigation cases. Problems such as difficulty in execution have seriously affected the progress of administrative litigation in our country. In the face of the system dilemma of administrative litigation, it is urgent to reform the judicial system of our country. Article 18, paragraph 2, of the Administrative procedure Law provides for the establishment of administrative court system for our country. The establishment of the circuit court in 2015 will help to alleviate the malpractice of the current administrative trial system. However, the establishment of an independent administrative court is undoubtedly the most feasible way to solve the malpractice of administrative trial system. The construction of administrative court system in our country must be based on the reality of our country and draw lessons from the successful experiences of foreign countries. In nature, the administrative court should be the state judicial organ under the Supreme people's Court. The administrative court shall exercise its administrative jurisdiction independently, and no organ, organization or individual may interfere in the judicial activities of the administrative court except under the supervision of the Supreme Court. The administrative court adjudicates administrative dispute cases according to the legal procedure. There is only supervision and supervision relationship between the upper and lower administrative courts, and there is no leadership relationship, and the administrative court is independent from the local power organs and administrative organs at all levels. This article consists of five parts, the third and fourth chapters as the core content. This paper focuses on the theoretical basis, mode selection and some ideas of the construction of the administrative court system in China. Part one: introduction. It mainly includes the basis of topic selection, research methods and significance, the main innovation of the article and other basic content. Part II: an overview of the Administrative Court. Through the content of this chapter, the concept of administrative court is defined, the characteristics of administrative court are summarized, and different administrative trial organization modes are summarized. On the basis of full comparison, the mode that should be adopted in the reform of administrative trial system in our country is selected. The third part, the Chinese and foreign administrative court system brief description. Through the content of this chapter, the administrative court system in different geographical areas is elaborated separately to explain the characteristics of foreign administrative court system and to clarify the evolution process of administrative court system in our country at the same time. The fourth part: our country constructs the administrative court system theory demonstration. Through the content of this chapter, this paper expounds the theoretical dispute about the construction of administrative court in our country, and analyzes the necessity and feasibility of constructing administrative court system in our country. The fifth part, our country administrative court system design. It includes the relevant factors and mode choice that should be considered in the construction of administrative court in our country. At the same time, it outlines the grand plan for the establishment of administrative court system in our country from the aspects of administrative court organization system, the scope of accepting cases, the jurisdiction of administrative court, and so on. Finally, on the basis of summarizing the content of this paper, we describe the vision of the development of administrative court system in China.


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