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发布时间:2018-07-23 10:19
【摘要】:摘要:2002年开始,最高人民法院逐渐调整之前的司法改革思路,2005年提出了“能调则调,当判则判,调判结合,案结事了”的十六字方针,2009年更是提出了“调解优先,调判结合”的八字方针,2012年新的民事诉讼法修改意见稿通过,其中提出了先行调解的概念,一时间诉讼调解成了法院解决诉讼纠纷的主要方式,但是也应当注意到无论是调解优先还是先行调解在现实运用过程中还有一定的困惑,应当理清诉讼中调判的关系,这样才能真正达到法律效果与社会效果并存的案结事了。 对于诉讼调解优先和先行调解在现实中的困惑,提出调判不仅要结合,调判更要分离,实行调判分离和调判结合的相互合作,以解决现行的调判合一所带来的司法实践弊端,实现诉讼调解在解决诉讼纠纷的重要价值,使诉讼调解在司法实践中发挥更大的作用。强调诉讼调解的重要作用的同时,法院不能一味地奉行调解优先调解至上,应当正确理解最高人民法院所提出的调解优先司法政策和新民诉法所规定的先行调解条文,调判既要结合也要分离,调判既要分工也要合作。只有充分认清诉讼中调判的关系,才能更好的发挥诉讼调解的作用,才能更好的执行最高人民法院调解优先的司法政策,才能更好的适用新民诉中先行调解的法律条文。
[Abstract]:Abstract: since 2002, the Supreme people's Court has gradually adjusted the idea of judicial reform before, in 2005, it put forward the 16-character policy of "can adjust, when the sentence is decided, when the sentence is combined, and the case is concluded", and in 2009, it put forward the "mediation priority." According to the eight-character policy, the revised draft of the new Civil procedure Law in 2012 has put forward the concept of first mediation, which has become the main way for the court to resolve litigation disputes in a short period of time. But we should also pay attention to whether mediation priority or mediation in the practical application process there is some confusion, we should clear up the relationship between litigation and adjudication, so as to truly achieve the legal effect and social effect of the case closure. With regard to the confusion between the priority of litigation mediation and the first mediation in reality, it is proposed that the mediation and judgment should not only be combined, but also separated, and the mutual cooperation of the separation of mediation and judgment should be carried out in order to solve the problems in judicial practice brought about by the integration of mediation and judgment. Realizing the important value of litigation mediation in resolving litigation disputes and making litigation mediation play a greater role in judicial practice. While emphasizing the important role of mediation in litigation, the court should not blindly pursue mediation first, and should correctly understand the mediation priority judicial policy put forward by the Supreme people's Court and the provisions of the New Civil procedure Law on the first mediation, The mediation and judgment should be combined and separated, and the division of labor and cooperation should be done. Only when we fully recognize the relationship between mediation and judgment in litigation can we better play the role of litigation mediation, better implement the judicial policy of the Supreme people's Court in mediation priority, and better apply the legal provisions of mediation in the new people's lawsuit.


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