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发布时间:2018-07-23 10:10
【摘要】:民事调解制度在我国民事诉讼法中占有重要地位,对我国经济发展和社会和谐稳定发挥了重要作用。但近年来,因立法缺位,司法实践中对虚假调解缺乏识别标准和制裁手段,致虚假调解有泛滥之势,严重损害了案外人利益和司法权威。因此,研究民事诉讼中的虚假调解具有重要意义。 本文分为三个部分: 第一部分通过典型案例,细致分析了民事诉讼中虚假调解的三个特征:主观故意性、目的隐蔽性和行为违法性等,继而提出民事诉讼中虚假调解是指民事诉讼当事人之间“事前”沟通,利用法律赋予的诉讼权利,虚构相关事实和证据,通过法院调解程序,侵害案外第三人或国家、社会利益的违法行为,并对虚假调解与诉讼欺诈、恶意诉讼等相关概念进行了辨析。 第二部分从实体法和程序法的立法缺陷入手,阐述了民事诉讼中虚假调解产生的原因;从当事人规避法律、法院识别能力偏低以及检察监督滞后三方面分析了实践中导致虚假调解产生的原因。 第三部分提出防范民事诉讼中的虚假调解应当遵循司法克制与司法能动平衡、诉权保护与防范滥诉平衡、实体法与程序法并重三原则,对完善民事调解制度、构建民事虚假诉讼侵权责任提出了具体建议,并对司法适用中的相关问题提出了自己的意见。
[Abstract]:Civil mediation system plays an important role in China's civil procedure law and plays an important role in economic development and social harmony and stability. However, in recent years, due to the absence of legislation, the lack of identification standards and sanctions for false mediation in judicial practice has led to the proliferation of false mediation, which has seriously damaged the interests of outsiders and judicial authority. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the false mediation in civil action. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part, through typical cases, analyzes the three characteristics of false mediation in civil litigation: subjective intention, purpose concealment and illegal behavior, etc. Then it is put forward that false mediation in civil action refers to "prior communication" between the parties in civil action, making use of the litigation rights conferred by law, making up relevant facts and evidence, and infringing the third party or country outside the case through court mediation procedure. The illegal acts of social interests, and the false mediation and litigation fraud, malicious litigation and other related concepts are analyzed. The second part begins with the legislative defects of substantive law and procedural law, expounds the causes of false mediation in civil litigation, and evades the law from the parties. This paper analyzes the causes of false mediation in practice from three aspects: the low ability of court identification and the lag of procuratorial supervision. In the third part, the author points out that to prevent false mediation in civil action, the balance between judicial restraint and judicial action should be followed, the balance between the protection of litigation right and the prevention of excessive action should be followed, the substantive law and procedural law should pay equal attention to the three principles, and the system of civil mediation should be perfected. The author puts forward concrete suggestions on the construction of tort liability in civil false litigation, and puts forward his own opinions on the relevant problems in judicial application.


中国期刊全文数据库 前10条

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