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发布时间:2018-07-23 07:46
[Abstract]:The right to meet the lawyer, as an inherent right of the defense lawyer, is clearly protected by the law and actively maintained by the lawyers. For a bribe case, it is particularly important for the suspect to see the defense lawyer in time to safeguard the rights and interests of the suspect. The procuratorial organ has passed the criminal suspicion because of the lack of direct evidence of the crime of proof. Suspect detention trial to find the breach of the case, at this time the suspect is often in a weak position because of insufficient defense ability. Only when the lawyer accepts the entrustment, it can break the relative closed detection mode of the bribery case by intervening in the investigation stage and fully exercising the right of defense. The lawyer meets the suspect in the stage of investigation and maintains the accusation. The equal judicial order, promote the justice and authority of the judiciary and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the accused has a positive role. But the reality is not optimistic. The right to meet the right of meeting the lawyer in the investigation stage is often broken down. It is of great practical significance to standardize the lawyer's meeting system, realize the benign interaction between the prosecution and the defense, charge the crime in accordance with the law, guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of the criminal suspects and promote the development and progress of the criminal defense system. This paper is divided into four parts except the introduction and the conclusion. The main contents are as follows: the first part, points out the lawyer of bribery case. The right of meeting is a series of new changes after the promulgation and implementation of the new criminal law. In order to improve the present situation of the lawyer's "meeting difficult", in 2012, the law of criminal procedure added a number of new legal norms to the protection of the right to meet the lawyer on the basis of the law of the lawyer. Compared with the criminal procedure law in 1996, the right to meet the lawyer has been further expanded. The criminal suspect can entrust the defense lawyer at the stage of investigation, the lawyer's meeting procedure is also more convenient, and the provisions of the investigation organ can be cancelled. At the same time, the forty-seventh new criminal procedure law has opened up a new way of relief for the right to meet the lawyer's right of meeting. The second part, the lawyer meets the bribery case in the investigation stage. The main obstacles encountered in the case of the suspect are summed up. Although the amendment of the law of the lawyers and the amendment of the criminal procedure law, the right to meet the lawyers in most criminal cases has been more obvious, but it is still not optimistic about the difficulty of meeting lawyers in bribery cases. The main existence of the inspection authorities is to define the common bribery cases as particularly heavy. The case of big bribe to restrict the lawyer's meeting, the relevant department procrastinating the lawyer's meeting or asking for special request when the lawyer meets, the lawyer's rights are violated but not effective relief. The apprentice law is not sufficient. The difficult situation of meeting the lawyer in bribery case still exists in the judicial practice of the Chinese side. Analysis of the third part, There are four main reasons behind the difficulty of the lawyer's meeting. There are mainly reasons for the difficulty of the lawyer's meeting. In terms of the relevant legal norms, the scope of the judicial interpretation on the scope of the special major bribery cases and the procedural provisions on the meeting of the lawyers are still defective. At the same time, the procuratorial organs have not changed the idea of law enforcement in time, and the investigation model is not timely. When the type of transformation is not in time, the system of examination and evaluation of the law enforcement is unreasonable, the procuratorial organs are unavoidable to obstruct the meeting under the drive of the interests of the Department. As for the lawyers themselves, some lawyers are tempted under the temptation of money and interests, violating the professional ethics and the unjustified meeting of the criminal suspects and so on. In addition to this, the objective factors such as a series of criminal policies also have a certain negative influence on the right to meet the lawyer's right to meet the lawyer. In the fourth part, the opinions and suggestions are put forward to guarantee the right to meet the lawyer's meeting right. The organ must change the concept of law enforcement in time, promote the transformation and development of investigation mode, improve the level and ability of investigation, establish a perfect restriction mechanism of investigation right and lawyer meeting supervision mechanism. At the same time, the case handling personnel and lawyers should improve their own quality and enhance mutual trust and cooperation. Finally, the criminal policy of combating bribery crime and insisting on leniency is necessary. To protect the right of lawyers to meet is also a guarantee of human rights, which is the inevitable requirement and the meaning of maintaining judicial justice and building a society ruled by law.


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