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发布时间:2018-07-24 10:48
【摘要】:恶意诉讼是出现在诉讼领域内的一种非正常现象,在此诉讼中行为人的目的是损害他人,其主观过错通常是直接故意,行为人没有事实根据也没有合理理由,却通过恶意引起民事或者刑事诉讼,以及在诉讼中滥用程序,最终导致相关人员受到损害。 诉讼本来应该是当事人凭借国家的审判权从而维护自身合法以及合理的权益,然而近年来,现实生活中出现的恶意诉讼却越来越多,由于受害人受到了非正常侵害,因此激化了社会上的许多矛盾,破坏了公序良俗,同时也挑战了法律权威,浪费了我们国家本来就已经稀缺的司法资源。导致这种现象出现的因素很多,比如整个社会没有足够重视诚信、成文法以及相关的诉讼制度自身就有缺陷、对恶意诉讼行为人并没有明确规定其侵权责任。对于如何对恶意诉讼进行规制,我国学界研究得还不够深入,当然也没有形成相对一致的观点。 以恶意诉讼侵权行为作为研究的对象,借鉴国内外的有益经验,阐明需建立实体法和程序法相得益彰的规制体系。以其概念作为切入点,通过将恶意诉讼与相关容易混淆的概念进行对比,从而深度剖析其内在本质,由此揭示恶意诉讼形成的原因,得出对其予以立法规制的紧迫性。从两大法系中各个国家和地区对于恶意诉讼的立法还有我国历来的立法中对此的诸多规定,可以得出对于规制恶意诉讼侵权,我们可以借鉴英美法系相关国家的有益研究成果,采取程序法以及实体法并行,不单在诉讼法中进行规定,更应使恶意诉讼成为侵权行为的一种具体类型并且进行具体以及明确的规定,以便更好地使恶意诉讼者承担侵权责任
[Abstract]:The malicious lawsuit is a kind of abnormal phenomenon which appears in the lawsuit domain, in this lawsuit the actor's purpose is to harm others, its subjective fault is usually the direct intention, the actor has no fact basis and no reasonable reason, But through malicious civil or criminal proceedings, as well as the abuse of procedures in the proceedings, resulting in damage to the relevant personnel. Litigation is supposed to be to protect the legitimate and reasonable rights and interests of the parties by virtue of the judicial power of the state. However, in recent years, more and more malicious lawsuits have emerged in real life, because the victims have been infringed on in an abnormal manner. Therefore, it intensifies many contradictions in the society, destroys public order and good customs, challenges the legal authority, and wastes the already scarce judicial resources of our country. There are many factors leading to this phenomenon, such as the whole society does not pay enough attention to good faith, statutory law and related litigation system itself has defects, malicious litigation perpetrators have not clearly defined their tort liability. As to how to regulate malicious litigation, our academic research is not deep enough, of course, there is not a relatively consistent view. Taking the malicious litigation tort as the object of study and drawing on the beneficial experience at home and abroad, it is pointed out that it is necessary to set up a regulation system in which substantive law and procedural law complement each other. With its concept as the starting point, by comparing malicious litigation with related concepts which are easy to be confused, this paper deeply analyzes its intrinsic nature, thus reveals the reasons for the formation of malicious litigation, and draws the urgency of its legislative regulation. From the legislation of malicious litigation in each country and region in the two legal systems and the many provisions in our country's legislation, we can draw a conclusion that we can draw lessons from the useful research results of the relevant countries in Anglo-American law system to regulate the infringement of malicious litigation. Adopting procedural law and substantive law in parallel, not only in procedural law, but also in making malicious litigation a specific type of tort and making specific and clear provisions, so as to make malicious litigants more liable for infringement.


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