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发布时间:2018-07-24 09:41
[Abstract]:The initiation of judicial identification is the beginning of judicial expertise, and the right of initiation of criminal judicial identification is related to the beginning of criminal judicial identification, and is a very key link in the criminal judicial identification process. However, in the practice of criminal procedure in our country, the color of the doctrine of authority is still very strong, the allocation of the starting right of criminal judicial identification is out of balance, the litigants' litigation right is lacking, and the problems of long identification and repeated identification emerge one after another. Therefore, the allocation of criminal judicial appraisal initiation right needs us to perfect. The first chapter describes the meaning of forensic identification, the concept of criminal judicial identification, the content, characteristics and nature of the initiation right of criminal judicial identification. The second chapter investigates the allocation mode of criminal judicial identification start-up right in the representative countries of various legal systems, and compares the advantages and disadvantages of the allocation mode of criminal judicial identification start-up right in each legal system while analyzing the reasons for the differences. The third chapter expounds the legislative status and implementation status of the initiation right of criminal judicial identification in our country, and analyzes the existing problems and the causes of the problems in combination with the case study. The fourth chapter puts forward the choice of several paths to the allocation of the right to start criminal judicial identification in our country. At the same time, on the basis of the previous discussion, the author puts forward some concrete opinions on how to improve the allocation of the right of initiation of criminal judicial identification in our country.


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