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发布时间:2018-07-25 10:13
【摘要】:在英美法系国家的民事诉讼程序中,审前程序具有举足轻重的地位,与庭审程序并列成为现代民事纠纷解决的两大途径。民事审前程序在我国还处于发展的萌芽期,只是庭审程序前的准备阶段,更谈不上成为解决纠纷的独立程序。随着社会的变革纠纷的增加,法院的诉讼压力与日俱增。本着提高诉讼效率、节约诉讼成本的理念,对我国审前程序的功能进行重构,以实现经济诉讼、公正司法的宏观目标。 审前程序的核心功能是争点整理、证据固定,以实现纠纷解决审前化和庭审程序集中化的双重现实司法目标。这就要求审前程序高度独立于庭审程序而存在,在此基础上对争点整理功能、证据固定功能的重构才能发挥出纠纷解决审前化的有效作用。通过对英美法系国家和大陆法系国家不同司法理念下审前程序的规定,运用比较研究的方法进行分析论证,在借鉴国外成熟经验的基础上,结合我国司法实务现状以实现审前程序的功能在诉讼中的巨大作用。在一定程度上缓解法院的诉讼压力,同时最大限度保障当事人的诉讼权利和实体权益。最终达到高效、经济和公正的解决民事纠纷这一宏观司法目标。
[Abstract]:In the civil procedure of Anglo-American legal system, pretrial procedure plays an important role, and it is the two main ways of modern civil dispute resolution. Civil pretrial procedure is still in the embryonic stage of development in our country. It is only the preparation stage before the trial procedure, let alone the independent procedure for resolving disputes. With the increase of social change and disputes, the pressure of court litigation is increasing day by day. Based on the idea of improving the efficiency of litigation and saving the cost of litigation, this paper reconstructs the function of our country's pretrial procedure in order to realize the macroscopic goal of economic litigation and just administration of justice. The core function of pretrial procedure is to collate the points and fix the evidence in order to realize the dual realistic judicial goal of dispute resolution and trial procedure centralization. This requires that the pretrial procedure is highly independent of the trial procedure, and on this basis, the function of collating the points of contention and the reconstruction of the fixed function of evidence can play an effective role in dispute resolution. Through the provisions of pretrial procedure under different judicial concepts in Anglo-American law system countries and civil law countries, and using the method of comparative study to analyze and demonstrate, on the basis of drawing lessons from the mature experience of foreign countries, In order to realize the function of pretrial procedure, the judicial practice in our country plays an important role in litigation. At the same time, the litigant rights and substantive rights and interests of the parties are protected as much as possible. Finally, to achieve an efficient, economic and fair settlement of civil disputes this macro-judicial goal.


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