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发布时间:2018-07-25 12:32
【摘要】:再审发回重审作为一种再审结案方式,其存在的问题相当突出。目前,我国法律、司法解释对于民事再审发回重审制度规定的比较少,理论界对于再审发回重审制度探讨也不多。从其运状况看,在实践中也存在着较大的问题。若不能妥善的适用,将直接损害法院的公信力,通过对司法审判实践中遇到的一些问题进行分析,将再审发回重审纳入到再审程序的框架下进行考量,并对再审发回重审制度的完善提出建议。 论文除引言、结语外,分为五个部分: 第一章系对民事再审发回重审制度的概述。从几个案例提出了再审发回重审审判中遇到的问题,引出了再审发回重审的概念,即是指上级法院对案件经再审审理后认为符合法律规定情形而将已经生效的裁判撤销后发回原一审法院重新进行审理的案件,发回重审是再审案件结案方式之一。然后就再审发回重审的概念与二审发回重审进行了比较,并概述了理论界对于再审发回重审制度存废的争议。 第二章以某中院的再审发回重审实践情况为例,分析了再审发回重审的基本情况及审判实践中存在的问题,并深层次的分析了造成实践中发回重审情况混乱在司法理念、制度设立及个人因素方面的深层原因。 第三章探讨对再审发回重审性质和功能的重新定位。将再审案件明确定性为再审案件,其功能则在救济性基础上还应体现其补充性和复审性。在此基础上,确立了再审发回重审的基本原则,即依法纠错与维护生效裁判既判力相结合的原则、公正与效率结合原则、实体公正与程序公正相结合的原则、作好当事人服判息诉工作原则。 第四章对再审发回重审制度提出了完善建议。强调要对对再审发回重审的标准进行严格限制。并就再审发回重审的程序设计、适用法律提出了一些想法,明确了应当赋予当事人程序选择权,制定不同于普通发回重审案件的再审发回重审审理程序。 第五章是再审发回重审审判工作机制之完善。建立再审发回重审有限沟通机制。建立上下级审判业务关系规范。建立再审发回重审案件的信息反馈制度。建立信访衔接机制。
[Abstract]:Retrial as a retrial closed, its problems are quite prominent. At present, our country law, the judicial explanation to the civil retrial system stipulation is relatively few, the theorists also does not have the discussion to the retrial return system. From the point of view of its transportation situation, there are also big problems in practice. If it is not properly applied, it will directly damage the credibility of the court. Through the analysis of some problems encountered in judicial practice, the retrial will be considered within the framework of the retrial procedure. It also puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the system of retrial and retrial. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the thesis is divided into five parts: the first chapter is an overview of the civil retrial system. From several cases, the problems encountered in retrial and retrial are put forward, and the concept of retrial and retrial is introduced. That is to say, the higher court thinks that the case is in accordance with the law after the case is retried and rescinds the decision that has already taken effect and then sends it back to the original court of first instance for a new trial, and retrial is one of the ways to close the case of retrial. Then it compares the concept of retrial with that of second instance retrial and summarizes the controversy in the theoretical circle on the retention or abolition of retrial remanding system. The second chapter takes the practice of retrial and retrial of an intermediate people's court as an example, analyzes the basic situation of retrial and the problems existing in trial practice, and deeply analyzes the judicial idea that causes the confusion of retrial in practice. The deep reasons of system establishment and personal factors. Chapter three discusses the reorientation of the nature and function of retrial. The retrial case should be defined as a retrial case, and its function should reflect its supplement and retrial on the basis of relief. On this basis, the basic principles of retrial and retrial are established, that is, the principle of combining the correction of errors according to law with the maintenance of the res judicata of the effective judgment, the principle of combining justice with efficiency, the principle of combining substantive justice with procedural justice. Do a good job of the parties to serve the principle of interest litigation. Chapter four puts forward some suggestions on the system of retrial and retrial. Emphasis should be placed on strict restrictions on the criteria for retrial and retrial. The author also puts forward some ideas about the procedure design of retrial and retrial, and puts forward some ideas about the applicable law. It makes it clear that the party should be given the right to choose the procedure of retrial, and that the procedure of retrial and retrial is different from that of the ordinary retrial. Chapter five is the perfection of the mechanism of retrial and retrial. Establish a limited communication mechanism for retrial and retrial. To establish norms for the business relations between higher and lower level trials. Establish information feedback system for retrial and retrial. Establish a link between letters and visits.


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