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发布时间:2018-07-26 07:03
[Abstract]:Electronic data evidence is a kind of independent evidence stipulated in the criminal procedure law of 2012. It is a kind of practical, operational, and highly technical evidence type. This article begins with the most practical function and value of the evidence, that is, to study the electronic data from the evidence ability and the size of its proof. As the existing problems in each link of the case, the theory combined with practice to explore a more feasible method to improve the lack of theory and technology, and finally hope to have a positive impact on the development of the evidence system. In this paper, the concept of electronic data is limited, in law, electronic data is actually It is the evidence of electronic data. Under this premise, we get rid of the dilemma of the strict distinction between electronic evidence. Through the introduction of the history of electronic data in our country, we can understand the present life of electronic evidence in our country, so as to make an accurate positioning of the current situation of electronic data in our country. The most essential value and function of evidence, that is, evidence ability and proof, uncovers the veil of the research on the ability of electronic data evidence and proof. Compare the knowledge gap and draw lessons from the development. Compare the methods of comparative analysis, compare the practice of various countries, look for the similarity, draw on some reasonable, practical practice or experience, with a view to the electronic data of our country. The research provides a reference for the development of electronic data in accordance with the national conditions of our country. Based on the current domestic and international situation, we put the foothold in the examination of evidence and the problems in the process of proof and put forward countermeasures and measures. The crystallization of people's wisdom has drawn together a blueprint for the development of electronic data.


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