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发布时间:2018-07-26 11:59
【摘要】:2012年修订的《刑事诉讼法》在第五编特别程序第四章中增设了“依法不负刑事责任的精神病人的强制医疗程序”,从适用对象、决定主体、审理程序、监督机制等多方面对刑事强制医疗程序作出了明确规定,首次将精神病人强制医疗纳入到刑事诉讼的领域。作为一项新生的刑事诉讼制度,刑事强制医疗程序充分体现了社会防卫、人权保障、医疗救助、程序公正等价值诉求,对有效解决我国强制医疗方面存在的诸多问题有着深刻而重要的意义。但是,在肯定刑事强制医疗程序立法进步的同时,我们也发现了立法上的不足,这些具体问题主要体现在:行政化色彩依然存在;程序正当性明显不足;司法精神医学鉴定混乱:检察监督规定过于抽象等。 纵观国外两大法系国家的立法例,不同法系、不同国情的国家在刑事强制医疗程序的规定上虽存在差异,但在具体构建上又有着诸多相似之外,对我国刑事强制医疗程序的完善具有积极的借鉴意义。本文借鉴域外的先进立法例,在符合我国语境的前提下,针对我国立法存在的不足,提出了一些具体设想:在适用对象上,将限制刑事责任能力的精神障碍者、无受审能力的精神病人、服刑期间患精神病的人纳入到强制医疗程序中;在适用程序上,明确被申请人出庭、指定律师全程参与、被害人参与、实行不公开审理、可以缺席审判、赋予当事人上诉、检察院抗诉权利等制度;在司法鉴定程序上,要求鉴定人原则上应当出庭作证,合理设置鉴定启动主体,引入专家辅助人制度;在检察监督上,完善检察机关对人民法院、公安机关以及强制执行机构的检察监督。
[Abstract]:The Criminal procedure Law, as amended in 2012, has added "compulsory medical procedures for mental patients who are not criminally responsible according to law" in chapter IV of part 5 special procedures, which determines the subject and the trial procedure from the applicable object, The supervision mechanism and so on have made the explicit stipulation to the criminal compulsory medical procedure for the first time to the mental patient compulsory medical treatment into the criminal procedure domain. As a new criminal litigation system, the compulsory medical procedure of criminal law fully embodies the value demands of social defense, human rights protection, medical assistance, procedural justice, etc. It is of great significance to solve the problems of compulsory medical treatment in China. However, while affirming the legislative progress of the criminal compulsory medical procedure, we have also found the deficiencies in the legislation. These specific problems are mainly reflected in: the administrative color still exists; the procedure legitimacy is obviously insufficient; Forensic psychiatry appraisal confusion: the procuratorial supervision regulation is too abstract and so on. Looking at the legislative examples of the two major legal system countries abroad, although there are differences in the provisions of the criminal compulsory medical procedure in the countries with different legal systems and different national conditions, there are many similarities in the concrete construction. It has positive reference significance for the perfection of compulsory medical procedure in our country. This article draws lessons from the overseas advanced legislation example, in conformity with our country context premise, in view of our country legislation existence insufficiency, has put forward some concrete ideas: in the applicable object, will limit the criminal responsibility ability spiritual obstacle person, Mentally ill patients who have no capacity to stand trial, persons suffering from mental illness while serving their sentences are included in the compulsory medical procedures; in the applicable procedures, it is clear that the respondent will appear before the court, appoint a lawyer to participate in the whole process, and the victim will participate in the proceedings in private. It can be tried by default, endow the parties with appeal and procuratorate's right to protest; in the judicial appraisal procedure, the expert should appear in court to testify in principle, set up the main body of the appraisal startup reasonably, and introduce the system of expert assistant. In terms of procuratorial supervision, we should improve procuratorial supervision of people's courts, public security organs and enforcement agencies.


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