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发布时间:2018-07-28 16:25
[Abstract]:The coercive measures of arrest are very severe in the criminal procedure of our country. After arrest, the criminal suspects are directly faced with the restriction of personal freedom and the long period of pretrial detention, if they cannot be used correctly, Its basic human rights will be greatly violated. In the revised Criminal procedure Law, the article enumerates the five kinds of concrete social dangerous situation in the arrest of our country at present, and further strengthens the judicial applicability. However, a large number of abstract words such as "attempt" and "possibility" appear in the articles, which lead to uncertainty and subjectivity of the criteria for judging social danger, which appear to be specific and detailed clauses. It does not give practical judicial case handlers a relatively specific standard of operation and guidelines for handling cases. The size of the social danger of criminal suspects and the necessity of arrest can only be judged subjectively by the person who has already known the case. This is extremely detrimental to the quality of arrests and the protection of citizens' human rights. Therefore, this paper makes a thorough analysis of the relevant provisions of the Criminal procedure Law, the legal connotation, legal elements, judgment standards and burden of proof of the social danger in judicial practice. In view of the problems existing in the application of social dangerous conditions in the examination and arrest of our country, such as backward concept of law enforcement, imperfect standard of proof, limitation of trial limit and so on, this paper tries to put forward the criterion of quantification. Improve the system of proof, listen to various opinions, strengthen the supporting mechanism of alternative non-custodial coercive measures, increase legal education and innovate legal publicity, and so on, in order to better improve the quality of arrest and reduce the arrest rate. Reduce the unnecessary arrest, and then achieve the balance between protecting human rights and cracking down on crime, and realize the goal of judicial justice.


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