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发布时间:2018-07-28 19:06
【摘要】:刑事二审发回重审是我国刑事诉讼中一项重要的程序和制度,在提高案件质量,保护被告人审级利益等合法权益方面发挥过积极的作用。但是,该制度因为在立法上存在瑕疵、实践运行中出现很多问题,一直备受争议。2013年1月1日实施的新刑事诉讼法虽对该制度进行了一定的修改和完善,但其完善是有限度的,很多重要的问题并未解决。因此有必要对我国刑事二审发回重审制度进行研究,以对该制度进行进一步的完善。 本文除引言和结语外,分为三章。 第2章“对我国刑事二审发回重审制度的实证考察”部分,笔者以实证研究的方法,从司法实践入手,以A市中级法院2009-2013年间一二审案件的审理情况切入,探究刑事二审发回重审制度的运行现状,通过这种并不全面但不失客观的实证分析方式发现我国现行刑事二审发回重审制度存在的问题。 第3章“刑事二审发回重审制度的问题探源”主要从理念、立法、司法三个层面对我国刑事二审发回重审制度的问题的根源进行了探究,得出了我国刑事二审发回重审制度的完善、重构必须“多管齐下”、同时分步完成的结论。 第4章“我国刑事二审发回重审制度的完善和重构”是文章的重点。在本章中,笔者从理念的转变、价值的回归、立法的完善和重构三个方面提出了完善和重构我国刑事二审发回重审制度的建议。其中,在立法的完善和重构部分,笔者兼顾现实与长远,分步骤层层递进地提出了完善和重构我国刑事二审发回重审制度的建议,第一步是对现行制度的有限修正,第二步是对现行制度的部分否定和创新,,第三步是对现行制度的完全否定和替代。
[Abstract]:The retrial of criminal second instance is an important procedure and system in criminal procedure in our country. It has played an active role in improving the quality of cases and protecting the legal rights and interests of the accused. However, the system has been controversial because of its flaws in legislation and many problems in its practice. Although the new criminal procedure law implemented on January 1, 2013 has made certain amendments and improvements to the system, its perfection is limited. Many important problems have not been solved. Therefore, it is necessary to study the retrial system of criminal second instance in order to perfect it. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into three chapters. In Chapter 2, "empirical investigation on the system of retrial of criminal second instance", the author starts with the judicial practice by using the method of empirical research, and analyzes the trial situation of the first-instance case in the Intermediate Court of A City from 2009-2013. This paper explores the current situation of the retrial system of criminal second instance, and finds out the existing problems in the current system of remanding criminal second instance through this kind of empirical analysis which is not comprehensive but objective. The third chapter, "the origin of the criminal second instance retrial system", mainly probes into the root of the criminal second instance retrial system from the three aspects of concept, legislation and judicature. It comes to the conclusion that the retrial system of criminal second instance should be completed step by step. Chapter 4: the perfection and reconstruction of the retrial system of criminal second instance is the focus of the article. In this chapter, the author puts forward some suggestions from three aspects: the change of idea, the return of value, the perfection and reconstruction of legislation. In the part of perfecting and reconstructing the legislation, the author, taking into account the reality and the long term, puts forward the suggestion to perfect and reconstruct the system of retrial of the criminal second instance in our country step by step, the first step is the limited amendment to the current system. The second step is the partial negation and innovation of the current system, and the third step is the complete negation and substitution of the current system.


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