[Abstract]:The guidance system of criminal cases has the functions of making the norms clear, making the parties feel fair, reducing the pressure on the judges and unifying the application of the law. In recent years, the Supreme people's Court has paid great attention to the selection of cases, but some cases reiterate public issues, public policies, and some cases completely duplicate past judicial interpretations. The idea of forcefully pushing forward the criminal case guidance system by the highest judicial organ may conflict with the legality of a crime, run counter to the economic and social policies in changing society, and reveal too many difficult problems. It is not conducive to the realization of the "case closure" advocated by the Supreme people's Court in recent years, and it may also be criticized by those who hold different views in theory. In the future, emphasis should be placed on balancing the relationship between "institutional construction" and "spontaneous order formation" in which the Supreme people's Court is the sole subject of case publication and the local courts, experts and scholars participate together. The Supreme people's Court should not be the only monopoly force. It should establish a detailed system of guiding cases, set up a system of "justices' meetings", recognize the guiding status of the local courts' regular reference to cases, and affirm the basic judges, experts and scholars. Lawyer's unique contribution to the construction of criminal case guidance.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;
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