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发布时间:2018-07-31 20:52
【摘要】:当前,随着新闻舆论的快速发展,网络舆论对司法公正的影响也不断加深,既产生了一定的积极作用,又不可避免地出现了一些消极作用。我们要认识到网络舆论对于刑事司法公正而言,作用犹如双刃剑,从正面讲,追求公平正义,促进司法公开、公正;从反面讲,裹挟民意,左右判决,妨害司法公正。在新的形势下,如何理解网络舆论与刑事司法公正的关系,如何建立网络舆论监督与刑事司法公正的良性互动制度,已是当前迫不容缓的问题。 本文分为四个部分,第一部分概述了舆论的发展进行与网络舆论的特点,分析传统舆论与网络舆论监督刑事司法公正的不同;第二部分从监督的必要性和现状分析网络舆论与刑事司法公正的关系,指出网络舆论对刑事司法的独立性、当事人的权利、司法程序等方面对刑事司法公正的正负面影响;第三部分对网络舆论刑事司法公正冲突的原因进行了分析,,进一步指出两者虽然存在冲突,但同时也存在共存的基础;第四部分提出解决网络舆论与刑事司法公正冲突的方法,从建立独立的司法动作机制和构建尊重刑事司法特性的网络舆论监督制度入手,协调两者良性互动。 本文研究使用的方法有:案例分析法、比较分析法和文献分析法。
[Abstract]:At present, with the rapid development of news and public opinion, the influence of network public opinion on judicial justice is deepening, which not only has a positive effect, but also inevitably has some negative effects. We should realize that network public opinion is like a double-edged sword to criminal justice. From a positive point of view, we should pursue fairness and justice, promote judicial openness and justice. Under the new situation, how to understand the relationship between network public opinion and criminal justice, and how to establish a benign interaction system between network public opinion supervision and criminal judicial justice, has become an urgent problem. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part summarizes the development of public opinion and the characteristics of network public opinion, analyzes the differences between traditional public opinion and network public opinion supervision of criminal justice; The second part analyzes the relationship between the network public opinion and the criminal justice from the necessity and the present situation of supervision, and points out the positive and negative influence of the network public opinion on the criminal justice in the aspects of the independence of the criminal justice, the rights of the parties, the judicial procedure and so on. The third part analyzes the causes of the conflict of criminal justice of network public opinion, and further points out that although there are conflicts, there is also a basis for coexistence between the two, and the fourth part puts forward the methods to solve the conflict between network public opinion and criminal justice. Starting with the establishment of an independent judicial action mechanism and the establishment of a network public opinion supervision system respecting the characteristics of criminal justice, the two should be coordinated. The methods used in this paper are case analysis, comparative analysis and literature analysis.


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