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发布时间:2018-08-02 11:57
【摘要】:侦查行为是国家刑事诉讼活动的重要内容,更是国家行使公权力的重要方式。随着现代社会中国家权力的迅速扩张和现代科技的不断发展,侦查制度中的隐私侵犯与保护问题也显得尤为突出与重要。刑事侦查是国家公权力合法侵入公民私生活的行为,具有正当性的制度应该服务于更高目的,即公共安全与公共利益。在现代法制中,,无论是国外还是国内,国家公权力与作为私权利的个人隐私之间的相互冲突与协调,愈来愈成为突出问题。运用一些秘密侦查的手段对于实现科学化的侦查方式转变具有一定的现实意义。提高侦查工作的技术含量有益于破解犯罪嫌疑人的反侦查并可以改变传统上对口供证据的过分依赖,利于提高刑事案件的侦破效率。各国为达到查明罪证的目的,都允许实施一定的秘密侦查手段,但会导致私生活的信息情况被他人知悉以至泄露。因此,使用这些手段对公民隐私权形成了一定的干预。本文主要从理论上深入探讨我国刑事侦查制度中隐私权保护的现实状况与实际需要,从而揭示出我国刑事侦查中隐私权的保护问题并对产生问题的原因进行深入分析。对域外侦查情况进行考察并从中获得启发。以期通过深入而具体的研究,为我国行使刑事侦查权与保护隐私权的相互冲突找到平衡点,进而对我国刑事诉讼法在打击犯罪与保护人权方面保持基本的平衡起到积极的作用。 本篇论文首先从介绍隐私权保护在刑事诉讼中的地位入手,围绕我国刑事侦查中隐私权保护的现实状况深入探讨并指出了我国现阶段刑事侦查活动与隐私权冲突中所反映出的有关执法人员的职业素质、侦查程序与侦查监督、立法规定以及救济制度方面的一系列问题。 论文在提出问题的基础上又对隐私权保护在刑事侦查中存在的问题进行了深入分析。从传统法律文化的影响、侦查手段和侦查程序的特征、侦查机关的隐私权保护意识、对救济制度的重视程度以及实践中的现实困难出发,明确了执法人员缺乏专业素质、侦查程序与监督不够完善以及救济制度不够健全等问题存在的原因。进而分析了刑事侦查制度与隐私权的冲突与平衡,揭示了隐私权保护的现实性与必要性。 为进一步研究刑事侦查中隐私权的保护问题,论文通过对美国搜查、监听制度,德国监听、扣押制度,日本监听制度以及其他国家侦查制度中隐私权保护措施的考察与比较,又深入探讨了国外刑事侦查中隐私权保护制度的相关特征以及国外先进经验给我国刑事侦查中隐私权的保护带来的启发。 最后,本篇论文从我国的国情出发,对如何强化对侦查人员的管理和教育并增强侦查人员的职业操守和专业性,如何完善侦查程序,如何加强对侦查权的规制与监督,如何完善侦查方式的相关规定以及如何健全司法救济制度五个方面进行了初步构想,以期为我国侦查制度中隐私权的保护做出贡献。
[Abstract]:Investigation is an important part of the national criminal procedure, and it is also an important way for the state to exercise public power. With the rapid expansion of the Chinese power in the modern society and the continuous development of modern science and technology, the problem of privacy invasion and protection in the investigation system is particularly prominent and important. Criminal investigation is a legitimate invasion of public power. The system of civil and private life, which is justified, should serve the higher purpose, namely, public security and public interest. In modern legal system, both foreign and domestic, the conflict and coordination between national public power and private rights as private rights are becoming more and more prominent. Some means of secret investigation are used. It is of certain practical significance to realize the transformation of the scientific investigation mode. To improve the technical content of the investigation work, it is beneficial to crack the criminal suspects' anti investigation and to change the traditional evidence of the confession, and to improve the detection efficiency of the criminal cases. The secret investigation means, but it will cause the information of private life to be known and even divulge by others. Therefore, the use of these means has formed a certain intervention to the privacy of citizens. This article mainly discusses the actual situation and actual needs of the protection of private rights in our criminal investigation system, and reveals the privacy of our criminal investigation. This paper makes an in-depth analysis of the protection of rights and causes the causes of the problems. The investigation of the foreign investigation and enlightenment is obtained. In order to find a balance point for the conflict between the right of criminal investigation and the protection of the right to privacy in our country through in-depth and concrete research, the criminal procedure law in China is in the fight against crime and the protection of human rights. The basic balance of the face plays a positive role.
This paper begins with the introduction of the status of the protection of the right of privacy in the criminal procedure, and probes into and points out the professional qualities of the law enforcement personnel reflected in the current stage of the conflict of criminal investigation and privacy in our country, as well as the investigation procedure and supervision, the legislation and regulations. A series of problems in the setting and the relief system.
On the basis of the questions, the paper makes an in-depth analysis of the problems of the privacy protection in criminal investigation. From the influence of the traditional legal culture, the characteristics of the investigation means and investigation procedures, the awareness of the protection of the right of privacy in the investigation organs, the importance of the relief system and the practical difficulties, the law enforcers have been clarified. The personnel lack the professional quality, the investigation procedure and supervision are not perfect and the relief system is not perfect and so on. Then it analyzes the conflict and balance between the criminal investigation system and the right to privacy, and reveals the reality and necessity of the protection of the right to privacy.
In order to further study the protection of private rights in criminal investigation, the paper investigates and compares the protection measures of private rights in the American search, monitoring system, German monitoring, seizure system, Japanese monitoring system and other state investigation system, and probes into the related characteristics of the private right protection system in foreign criminal investigation. The Enlightenment of foreign advanced experience to the protection of privacy in criminal investigation in China.
In the end, this paper, starting with the national conditions of our country, has five aspects: how to strengthen the management and education of investigators, how to improve the professional integrity and professionalism of the investigators, how to improve the investigation procedure, how to strengthen the regulation and supervision of the power of investigation, how to perfect the relevant regulations of the investigation mode and how to improve the judicial relief system. A tentative plan was made to contribute to the protection of privacy in our investigation system.


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