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发布时间:2018-08-02 14:03
[Abstract]:The protection of the human rights of the prisoners on death penalty is an important subject of humanization of judicature. Farewell to death penalty should be a legal right to care for life ethics. Nowadays, the right to face the death penalty is stipulated in the judicial interpretation rather than in the basic law, and the realization of the right is also slightly inadequate. The right to meet the death penalty belongs to the prisoners on the basis of their personality, and to the close relatives of the prisoners on the basis of their identity. In order to guarantee the realization of the right to face the death penalty and their close relatives, the reasonable way of thinking is to stipulate this right in the interpretation of law or legislation, and the scientific scheme is to make clear the conditions and ways for the exercise of the right. Time and rights relief and other procedural framework.
【作者单位】: 南京理工大学人文与社会科学学院;


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