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发布时间:2018-08-02 20:20
[Abstract]:The "decision of the CPC Central Committee on comprehensively promoting the Rule of Law on several important issues" adopted by the fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward the goal of "advancing the reform of the litigation system with the trial as the center". Thus, the macro policy design of the judicial system reform is established, which is not only an effective response to the scientific return of the criminal justice law and the inherent requirements of criminal justice, but also the fundamental direction of the reform and development of the criminal procedure system. To promote the reform of criminal procedure system is a major reform strategy put forward by the CPC Central Committee under the background of frequent "exposure" of unjust and false cases in recent years. For a long time, in the field of criminal justice, our country has in fact formed a mode of litigation centered on investigation. Driven by the thinking of "presumption of guilt" and the pursuit of "achievements" such as the rate of detection, the case is transferred and prosecuted. There are not a few trials, criminal procedural law theory and judicial practice, both eager and called for the reform of the criminal procedure system. It can be said that to promote the trial-centered litigation system reform, is expected. In the three stages of criminal procedure, such as examining and prosecuting, appearing in court to charge crimes, supervising trial and so on, the procuratorial organs have profound influence on the criminal procuratorial work by pushing forward the reform of the criminal procedure system. There are many challenges as well as great opportunities. On the basis of analyzing the background of the reform of the criminal procedure system, the author summarizes the basic connotation of the trial as the center, the theoretical research and judicial practice at home and abroad, and points out that the judicial concept in the current criminal procuratorial work needs to be updated urgently. In pretrial procedure, the relationship between investigation, arrest and prosecution is misplaced, there are defects in the mode of evidence examination in judicial practice, the system of pre-trial meeting is not perfect, and the mechanism of diverting complex and simplified criminal proceedings in procuratorial links is not perfect. The main problems in six aspects, such as insufficient judicial handling capacity of public prosecutor, are deeply analyzed. Finally, in view of the existing problems and deficiencies, the author puts forward 19 concrete measures for procuratorial organs to deal with the reform of criminal procedure system in 5 aspects from the angle of innovation of criminal procuratorial work mechanism. These measures include: establishing the modern criminal justice concept, perfecting the working mechanism to deal with the essence of the trial, constructing the pre-prosecution mechanism led by the procuratorate, perfecting the procuratorial supervision mechanism of the criminal procedure, correctly handling the relationship between prosecution and defense, etc. Covering many factors in the triangular structure of prosecution and defense trial in criminal procedure, the author analyzes and interprets from concept to practice, hoping to provide reference and reference for the reform of criminal procedure system. To constantly improve the trial as the center of the criminal procedure system construction.


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