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发布时间:2018-08-03 19:20
[Abstract]:Since the introduction of the rules of repeated prosecution and prohibition of duplication of prosecution in 2015, the rules of prohibiting repeated prosecution have been paid more attention to in the civil procedure law circle. Scholars generally believe that both in China and in civil law countries, the theory and practice of prohibiting repeated prosecution rules are involved in many problems. How to review and judge the "repeated prosecution". The 247 articles of the interpretation of the people's complaints are too small, too extensive and weak in applicability, which can not meet the practical needs of judicial practice, which leads to the different courts' understanding and application of the same rules, which are inconsistent, even conflicting, and contradictory. In addition, the relevant rules involving the prohibition of repeated prosecution rules are related. On the other hand, the study of the rules for the prohibition of repeated prosecution is still in the ascendant, and it is still limited to the introduction of foreign institutions and has not been able to carry out a comprehensive study of the problems existing in the specific referees of the domestic courts. However, it is clear that the elements of the rules of repeated prosecution are prohibited. In view of this, the author thinks it is necessary to discuss the rules related to the prohibition of repeated prosecution. This article includes the introduction, the text, and the conclusion of the 247 parts. The text contains three parts. This part includes five parts: the first part: the introduction of the referee's case and the problem elicited. This part puts forward the problems of the people's court in the application of the rules of prohibiting repeated prosecution, in order to elicit a more detailed discussion of the rule. In the application of the rules for the prohibition of repeated prosecution, there are three typical cases shown in this part cannot reflect the application of the court in the application of "the standard of the same party before and after judgment is too mechanical", "the standard of recognition of the subject matter is different", and the "review of the repeated prosecution is limited to the statement of the parties". All the problems existing in the rule, but the three problems are quite representative, which are the important problems that this article will concentrate on. The second part: this part discusses the relationship between the no longer principle and the rules of the prohibition of repeated prosecution. A preliminary understanding of the rules for the prohibition of duplication of prosecution, and based on the perspective of comparative law, to explore the connotation of the principle of no longer principle, and to clarify the relationship between the guidance and the guidance between the principle of no longer and the rules of the prohibition of repeated prosecution. It compares with the theory of res judicata, which is under the guidance of the principle of no longer principle, and probes into the relations and differences between the two, in order to avoid confusion in the process of understanding and application. The third part: the constitution of the rule of prohibiting repeated prosecution. This article adopts the "two points", and mainly discusses the two aspects of the parties and the subject of litigation. This is the standard of judging whether or not the front and back suit is the same. It can not be used as an independent constituent element but can only be used as the standard of judging whether the front and back complaints belong to the same dispute. In addition, the same party and former litigants are of course the constituent elements of the rules of prohibition of repeated prosecution. Different people may still constitute a repeated prosecution, but the plaintiff is only required to file a counterclaim in the former lawsuit and not to be prosecuted separately. The fourth part: the counterplea and some requests under the rules of the prohibition of repeated prosecution. This part mainly discusses the former litigant in the latter lawsuit against the counterplea and the marked creditor in the same claim. The former includes three types of requests to the court. The former includes the litigation forerunner, the counterplea and the defense coexistence, because the court has the force of adjudications on the trial of the counterplea, and the payment judgment made to the creditor's right does not directly change the effect of the right and obligation relationship. Therefore, the party may be allowed to prosecute after the defense, and vice versa. In the context of prohibiting the rules of repeated prosecution, it is not difficult to discuss part of the request. In theory, the theory that the party should be solved through the expansion of the lawsuit and not allow the parties to prosecute separately. The fifth part: the remolding of the rules of the prohibition of repeated prosecution. This part includes the system arrangement of prohibiting the rules of repeated prosecution and the specific application of the rules of prohibiting repeated prosecution. First, not only the court can investigate whether the litigant's prosecution constitutes a repeated lawsuit, but the other party can also put forward a procedural defense to exclude the jurisdiction of the court. Secondly, the rules of the prohibition of repeated prosecution are closely related to the two ends of the ruling force, but the author thinks that it should be regulated separately, and the parallel regulation is easy to lead to the application mix. Messy and harassing each other.


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