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发布时间:2018-08-03 22:02
[Abstract]:In 2007, the Civil procedure Law introduced the action system of executive dissent, which changed the practice of only paying attention to the efficiency of execution for a long time, while ignoring the legitimate rights and interests of the outsider in the case, so as to guarantee the right of action to the outsider in the case. It reflects the change of legislation from protecting the interests of creditors to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of outsiders in the case. Today, however, there is still no system of legal and judicial interpretation for the specific operation of the enforcement of dissent in judicial practice. The lack of legislation results in confusion in practice, in the subject of litigation, and in the scope of adjudication. On issues such as standards, the law has not yet been able to settle disputes. This article selects the case in the practice, intends to discuss the hot issues in practice, the adjudication urgently needs the unified dispute point, the period can throw the brick to lead the jade, provides the reference for the trial practice. The first chapter focuses on the determination of the object of action. First of all, to sort out the different practices in practice; secondly, to analyze different viewpoints from the perspective of cases, judicial decisions and theories; finally, to analyze the purpose of the enforcement of dissent complaints, judicial decisions and res judicata. And on this basis, put forward a reasonable definition of the object of dissent action. The second chapter mainly discusses the judgment of the contract in the action of executive dissent. This chapter mainly focuses on two issues, first, the execution of dissent in the litigation, for the contract, the court should not be adjudicated, should not decide; secondly, the execution of dissent in the common cases of several types of contract effectiveness analysis. The third chapter mainly discusses the qualification of the outsider in the action of dissent of execution. First of all, it is clear to identify the methods and steps; secondly, to discuss whether the outsiders in the case enjoy substantive ownership: finally, to concretize the abstract concept of "sufficient to exclude the enforcement of civil rights and interests". Discuss whether the interests enjoyed by outsiders in practice are "sufficient to exclude enforcement".


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