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发布时间:2018-08-04 11:04
【摘要】:送达作为连接法院诉讼行为与当事人诉讼行为之间的桥梁,在宪法和程序法上有着重要的意义。送达一方面可以保障当事人诉讼权利的行使和实现,一方面又能保障诉讼活动的顺利进行。我国法院在实践中不乏各类送达瑕疵的情况,我们应当对此问题给予充分关注,因为对送达瑕疵是否合法有效这个问题的回答将直接影响后续诉讼行为乃至裁判行为的效力认定。本文写作的意义在于通过对送达瑕疵问题的分析,厘清对送达瑕疵的效力认定以及对瑕疵之治愈等问题。 本文由引言、正文和结语三个部分组成,其中正文分为以下四个部分: 第一部分对送达瑕疵所涉基础问题进行探讨,涉及以下三个方面,分别是送达的含义和性质、送达瑕疵的定义以及送达瑕疵与送达的关系。其中重点部分为界定二者关系的段落,在该部分中分析到送达所必须具备的成立要件和生效要件,对该问题的梳理是下文论述瑕疵送达现象类型化和效力认定的基础。 第二部分对实践中各类送达瑕疵现象进行类型化的整理,,并分析造成送达瑕疵现象的原因。对送达瑕疵行为的类型划分基于前文对送达生效要件的界定,分为送达对象的瑕疵、送达所涉文书的瑕疵、送达时空的瑕疵以及送达方式的瑕疵,其中送达方式瑕疵又包括送达方式的滥用、送达方式采用的途径混乱以及各送达方式适用对象不清晰。在对瑕疵现象进行类型化整理之后,本文从立法、司法和社会三个角度分析造成送达瑕疵现象频发的原因。 第三部分分析送达瑕疵效力的判断标准及其认定。此部分也是本论文最为重要和创新的部分。在该部分中首先明确关于送达瑕疵效力的判断标准,再对各类送达瑕疵行为进行效力认定,是根据第二部分中的类型划分分别论述。效力判断标准在对刑事诉讼学科借鉴基础上形成,根据瑕疵违反的是实体性规则还是程序性规则认定为不同的效力。对各类送达瑕疵现象进行效力认定时,在根据上述所列判断标准的基础上,还借鉴我国台湾地区以及其他大陆法系国家的相关立法和司法现状,再结合我国司法实践,确认不同送达瑕疵产生的效力。 第四部分论述对送达瑕疵的救济。有权利就有救济,否则权利的存在最终会成为一纸空文。根据法院送达行为的性质,本文最终确认三种救济途径,分别是无瑕疵送达的实施、当事人责问权的行使以及司法监督方式救济。
[Abstract]:As a bridge between litigant action and litigant action, service plays an important role in constitution and procedure law. On the one hand, service can guarantee the exercise and realization of litigant's right, on the other hand, it can guarantee the smooth progress of litigation. There is no shortage of defects in service in our courts in practice, and we should pay full attention to this issue. Because the answer to the question whether the service defect is legal or effective will directly affect the validity of the subsequent litigation and even the adjudication. The significance of this paper is to clarify the validity of service defects and the healing of defects through the analysis of service defects. This paper is composed of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion, in which the text is divided into the following four parts: the first part discusses the basic issues involved in the flaw of service, involving the following three aspects, respectively, the meaning and nature of service, The definition of service defect and the relationship between service defect and service. The key part is the section that defines the relationship between the two. In this part, the author analyzes the essential elements and the effective elements of service. The carding of this problem is the basis of the classification and validity of the phenomenon of defective service. The second part classifies all kinds of service defects in practice and analyzes the causes of service defects. On the basis of the definition of the effective elements of service, the types of service defects are divided into the defects of the object of service, the defects of the documents involved, the defects of service time and space, and the defects of the mode of service. The defects of service mode include abuse of service mode, confusion of service way and unclear object of service mode. After classifying defects, this paper analyzes the causes of frequent service defects from the perspectives of legislation, judicature and society. The third part analyzes the judgment standard and its determination of the effectiveness of service defects. This part is also the most important and innovative part of this paper. In this part, we first define the judgment standard about the validity of service defects, and then determine the validity of all kinds of service defects, which is discussed separately according to the types in the second part. The criterion of validity judgment is formed on the basis of reference to the subject of criminal procedure, according to whether the defect violates the substantive rule or the procedural rule. On the basis of the judgment criteria listed above, we also draw lessons from the relevant legislation and judicial status of Taiwan and other civil law countries, and then combine the judicial practice of our country. To confirm the validity of different service defects. The fourth part discusses the remedy to the defect of service. Have the right to have relief, otherwise the existence of the right will eventually become a dead letter. According to the nature of the act of court service, this paper finally confirms the three ways of relief, which are the implementation of the flawless service, the exercise of the party's right to question and the relief of the judicial supervision.


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