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发布时间:2018-08-04 16:01
【摘要】:在2012年民事诉讼法修订之前,我国已经出台了与再审民事立案审查制度相关的一些法律法规和司法解释。具体包括最高人民法院出台的《关于受理审查民事申请再审案件的若干意见》、《审判监督司法解释》两部司法解释,并在2011年1月召开了第一次全国民事再审审查工作会议,并印发了《第一次全国民事再审审查工作会议纪要》。这些规定的出台,对民事再审立案中的一些亟待解决的问题做了规定,对民事再审立案工作的推进起到了重要作用。 2012年新民事诉讼法中对民事再审立案审查问题又做了新的修订。其中第199条规定了有限的条件下可向原审法院申请再审的制度。即当事人一方人数众多或者当事人双方为公民的案件,也可以向原审人民法院申请再审。第200条对申请再这的条件也做了修订,第一是将原来第五项事由中的“对案件审理需要的证据”修改为“对案件审理需要的主要证据”,限定了因法院依申请未调查证据而导致再审的案件范围;第二是取消了原来第七项管辖错误这一再审事由;第三是取消了“违反法定程序可能影响案件正确判决、裁定”这一再审事由。第205条对当事人申请再审的期限做了修订,由原来的两年修改为6个月。另外对有法定情形,当事人可以“自知道或者应当知道之日起三个月提出”的时间改为了“自知道或者应当知道之日起六个月提出”,以方便当事人收集、提供证据。这些修订,使得部分案件可以向原审人民法院申请再审,民事再审的事由表述得更加合理,并将再审申请的期限缩短为6个月,这些都对民事再审立案审查制度的发展都有很大的进步意义。 虽然2012年新《民事诉讼法》的修订,使得民事再审立案审查制度进一步完善,,但是,在民事再审立案审查领域,仍然存在着某些方面不够细化,操作性不强等问题。此外,在2012年新《民事诉讼法》颁布后,至今鲜有学者对此做出专门研究。因此,在新民诉法出台之后,针对新民诉法的再审立案审查问题进行深入研究,进行系统梳理、发现问题并提出有针对性的法律建议,就显得更为重要。
[Abstract]:Before the revision of the Civil procedure Law in 2012, China has issued some laws and regulations and judicial interpretations related to the review system of retrial civil case. In particular, the Supreme people's Court issued several opinions on accepting and examining cases concerning the retrial of civil applications, and the Judicial interpretation of trial Supervision, two judicial interpretations, and held the first national conference on the review of civil retrial in January 2011. A summary of the first National Review Conference on Civil retrial was issued. With the introduction of these provisions, some problems that need to be solved urgently in civil retrial and filing have been stipulated. It has played an important role in the promotion of civil retrial filing. In the 2012 new civil procedure law, a new revision has been made to the civil retrial filing examination. Article 199 prescribes a system under limited conditions to apply to the original court for retrial. In cases where one party is numerous or both parties are citizens, they may also apply to the people's court for retrial. Article 200 also makes amendments to the conditions for application for reprocessing. The first is to amend the term "evidence required for the hearing of a case" in the original fifth subject matter to read "the main evidence required for the hearing of the case." Limiting the scope of the case that resulted from the failure of the court to investigate the evidence applied for; second, cancelling the reason for the retrial of the original seventh jurisdictional error; and third, cancelling the "violation of legal procedures may affect the correct judgment of the case," Ruling "on the merits of the retrial." Article 205 amended the time limit for application for retrial from two years to six months. In addition, for the legal situation, the time of "three months from the date of knowing or ought to know" can be changed to "six months from the date of knowing or ought to know", so as to facilitate the parties to collect and provide evidence. These amendments enabled some cases to apply to the people's court of the original instance for a retrial. The reason for the civil retrial was more reasonable, and the time limit for the application for the retrial was shortened to six months. All these are of great significance to the development of civil retrial filing and examination system. Although the revision of the new Civil procedure Law in 2012 makes the civil retrial filing examination system more perfect, there are still some problems in the field of civil retrial filing and examination, such as not being detailed in some aspects and not having strong maneuverability. In addition, after the promulgation of the new Code of Civil procedure in 2012, few scholars have made special research on it. Therefore, after the promulgation of the New Civil Action Law, it is more important to conduct a thorough study on the retrial case of the New Civil Action Law, to systematically sort out the problems, to find the problems and to put forward targeted legal suggestions.


相关期刊论文 前3条

1 刘恒;;论民事检察监督的范围[J];河北法学;2008年07期

2 廖永安;我国民事诉讼主管范围之问题评析[J];现代法学;2005年01期

3 虞政平;我国再审制度的渊源、弊端及完善建议[J];政法论坛;2003年02期




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