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发布时间:2018-08-04 18:07
[Abstract]:The arbitrariness of confession has become an important criterion to measure the democracy and soundness of a country's legal system. The rule of arbitrariness of confession has been included in the basic rules of evidence that should be followed by the vast majority of countries, but our country has not stipulated the rule of arbitrariness of confession, but with the enhancement of the concept of human rights guarantee and the concept of procedural justice, It is imperative to construct it. This paper is divided into four parts: the first chapter introduces the basic theory of the rule of confession arbitrariness. This chapter focuses on how to define confession, the difference between confession and guilty plea, how to define arbitrariness and how to understand the rules in order to clarify the related concepts of confession arbitrariness and clarify some theoretical errors. Furthermore, it introduces the value basis of the rule of confession arbitrariness, mainly from three aspects: protecting human rights, eliminating hypocrisy and procedural justice. The second chapter introduces the situation of the rule of arbitrariness of oral confession in detail. This paper mainly introduces the establishment and development of the representative rules of arbitrariness between the United Kingdom and the United States in the Anglo-American legal system, and the connotation and development of the rules of arbitrariness in Germany, Japan and Taiwan in the continental law system. Finally, through the comparative study of the rules of arbitrariness of confession in two legal system countries (regions), the author hopes to provide reference for the construction and design of the rule of arbitrariness of oral confession in our country. The third chapter discusses the necessity and feasibility of the rule of confession arbitrariness in China. Firstly, through the introduction of Li Jiuming, Wu Daquan and Luo Yuming, the author sums up the problems that lead to non-arbitrary confession. The necessity of establishing the rules of arbitrariness of confession in China is analyzed through the problems reflected in practical cases. Finally, the feasibility analysis of establishing the rules of arbitrariness of oral confession in China is carried out through the legal basis and the environmental basis at home and abroad, in order to introduce and implement the rules of arbitrariness of oral confession. The fourth chapter is the core of this paper. Firstly, it is suggested that the rules of arbitrariness of confession should be clarified in legislation, the obligation of truthful statement should be abolished, and the burden of proof and the degree of proof of arbitrariness of confession should be clarified. This paper emphatically introduces the judgment standard of the arbitrariness of confession, mainly through the illegal methods such as extorting confessions by torture, threatening, luring, deceiving and violating the legal procedure, which affect the arbitrariness of confessions. Finally, it briefly analyzes the supporting measures to protect the rules of arbitrariness of confession, including the separation of investigation and detention, the simultaneous audio and video recording of the whole process, and the right of lawyer to question and present. It is helpful to judge and protect the arbitrariness of confession in judicial practice.


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