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发布时间:2018-08-04 21:24
[Abstract]:The internal hierarchical authority of the procuratorial organ is a description of the limits of the power of the subject of different levels of power within the procuratorial organ, and the narrow extension is the limit of the exercise of the procuratorial power by the subject of different levels of power within the same procuratorate. The broad extension includes the scope of power and the relationship between power and operation of procuratorates at higher and lower levels, with the aim of ensuring the scientific operation of procuratorial power. At present, there are some problems in the optimal allocation of procuratorial authority, such as the administrative running of procuratorial power, the alienation of the responsibility of the procuratorial committee, the reverse flow of procuratorial power, the solidification of judicial administration affairs, and so on. However, the key to optimal allocation is to solve the obstacle problem, rather than simply proposing concrete reform measures. Therefore, we should focus on the following problems: to clarify the limits of procuratorial power, to strengthen the reform of judicial administration affairs, to clarify the allocation of judicial administrative functions and powers at each level, and to speed up the improvement of legislation and system construction.
【作者单位】: 甘肃省人民检察院;


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