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发布时间:2018-08-04 21:33
[Abstract]:To our country, the word "interpretation" is an "import", it originated from Germany, and its development and evolution began with the relevant legislative practice and theoretical research of the civil law system. The interpretation system is endowed with the laudatory title of "Magna Carta to protect the Rights of the parties" because it plays an important role in the litigation procedure, and many developed countries with the rule of law have made special provisions in their civil procedure law. The theoretical research on the right of interpretation in China started relatively late, and the theoretical research on the right of interpretation is still basically stagnant in the level of the relevant systems and theories of the civil law system, and the concept of interpretation has been introduced to this day. Scholars have been trying to promote the international perspective of the interpretation system theory and judicial practice of China's practical integration and in-depth research, but unfortunately the research process is slightly slow. At present, there are not many achievements in constructing the system innovation which meets the needs of judicial practice in our country, and it needs to be further deepened. The article introduces and studies the relevant regulations of interpretation, combs and refines the theories and arguments that have been debated in academic circles in the past, and then makes necessary discussion and demonstration on the relevant issues of perfecting the system of interpretation of civil action. In order to build a perfect interpretation system in the key period of judicial system reform in China. The article begins with the basic theory of the interpretation system, and expounds the theoretical basis of the interpretation system from the concept, nature and function of the interpretation system. The relationship between the principle of disposition and the system of interpretation is analyzed theoretically, and then the development of the system of interpretation in the continental law system and the common law system is briefly introduced and compared. Then it analyzes the current situation of the interpretation system in the legislative and judicial practice of our country and the reasons why the interpretation power can not be exercised correctly, and then puts forward some suggestions. Improve the interpretation system from two aspects: perfecting the explanation content and formulating the corresponding supporting measures. In order to correctly guide the effective conduct of civil proceedings, to ensure the right of the parties to participate in the proceedings on an equal footing, and finally to realize the goal of the modernization of the rule of law of judicial justice and social harmony, as a highly qualified legal talent with a strong sense of rule of law, It is necessary for us to brainstorm and develop ideas, to consider deeply the controversial and emerging issues in reality, and then to resolve harmoniously the relevant issues related to the exercise of the right of interpretation in civil proceedings. Establish a perfect interpretation system suitable for the judicial characteristics of our country as soon as possible.


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