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发布时间:2018-08-05 09:35
[Abstract]:With the official start of the local practice of "the reform of the separation of execution and enforcement", the reform of execution system in China has been further refined from the separation of adjudication and enforcement to the separation of adjudication and enforcement. This measure not only helps to improve the problem of "difficult execution" for many years in our country, but also helps to solve the dilemma of "execution disorder" through the restriction of separation of powers. In the choice of specific mode, the mode of "proper separation outside the court" is more conducive to the realization of the value goal of the reform, that is, for the civil case execution, appropriate internal deepening mode will be adopted, and the enforcement power will be implemented. The power of execution and adjudication is exercised by specific personnel and organizations, and the boundary of civil execution power is constructed from organization division, event division and personnel division. At the same time, it is necessary to straighten out the relationship between the executive board and the executive tribunal in the practice of execution, and strengthen the cooperation between the two powers in order to ensure the smooth connection between the execution procedure and the execution decision procedure.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学学报编辑部;
【基金】:国家“十三五”重点研发计划“司法鉴定意见证据评价系统研究”(2016YFC0800707) 国家社会科学基金青年项目“强制医疗制度诉讼化建构研究”(14CFX070) 华东政法大学2015年度校级科研项目“民事执行权的控制研究——基于英国视角的考察”(15HZK007)


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