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发布时间:2018-08-05 13:12
【摘要】:特定亲属刑事免证权制度是一项旨在规范刑事诉讼与保障基本人权的制度,当今世界大多数国家的法律都将其置于重要的位置并予以详细的规定。中国的特定亲属刑事免证权制度由来已久,可追溯至中华法系中“亲亲相隐”的法律思想。虽然在新中国成立初期,特定亲属刑事免证权制度被予以全盘否定,但随着新《刑事诉讼法》的修订,特定亲属刑事免证权制度又再次被纳入社会主义法律体系之中。在作为一项重要法律制度运行的同时,特定亲属刑事免证权制度也引起了学界的广泛关注与研究。由于未经历司法实践的考验和完善,特定亲属刑事免证权制度在实体法层面与程序法层面的缺陷是显而易见的,对其的完善抑或是重构是迫在眉睫的。立基于此,本文试从中西方的视角进行分析,意图汲取符合中国国情有益经验,进一步完善特定亲属刑事免证权制度。 本文大致分为四个方面。首先,基于中西方不同的历史背景,以特定亲属免证权制度的历史演变为主线,分析不同时期中西方的特定亲属免证权制度的规定,以探究设立此项权利制度的历史用意。通过对特定亲属免证权制度存在的合理性分析,把握新《刑事诉讼法》增加此项权利制度在当代的法律目的和意义。其次,本文在对当今世界主要国家的特定亲属免证权制度进行探究的基础上,归纳出此项制度的特征、特定亲属的范围以及此项制度适用的例外情形。再次,进一步从新修订的《刑事诉讼法》第188条出发,解析新时期中国特定亲属刑事免证权制度的本质,在此基础上,深入分析现行特定亲属免证权制度存在的不足和缺陷,并通过介绍我国港澳台地区的特定亲属免证权制度,深入地把握中国的特定亲属免证权制度。最后,本文将中西方的特定亲属刑事免证权制度进行比较分析,探究中外关于此项制度设计的共性和差异,汲取符合中国国情的有益元素,在实体法层面以及程序法层面进一步完善中国的特定亲属免证权制度。
[Abstract]:The system of criminal exemption right for specific relatives is a system aimed at standardizing the criminal procedure and guaranteeing the basic human rights. The law of most countries in the world has put it in an important position and provides detailed provisions. The system of criminal exemption right for specific relatives in China has a long history, which can be traced back to the law of "parental concealment" in the Chinese law system. Although in the early period of the founding of new China, the system of criminal exemption right for specific relatives was completely negated, but with the revision of the new law of criminal procedure, the system of criminal exemption right of specific relatives has been brought into the socialist legal system again. It has aroused extensive attention and research in the academic circles. Because of the lack of trial and improvement of judicial practice, the defects of the system of criminal exemption right of specific relatives on the level of substantive law and procedural law are obvious, and it is imminent to improve or reconstruct them. Based on this, this article tries to analyze from the perspective of China and the west, with the intention to draw. Take the beneficial experience that accords with China's national conditions and further improve the system of specific relatives' criminal immunity.
This article is roughly divided into four aspects. First, based on the different historical background of the Chinese and Western countries, the historical evolution of the system of the right of exemption of specific relatives is the main line, and the provisions of the system of the right of exemption of specific relatives in the western countries are analyzed in order to explore the historical meaning of setting up the right system. The purpose and significance of the new < Criminal Procedure Law > to increase the system of this right in the present time is grasped. Secondly, on the basis of the inquiry into the system of the right of exemption of specific relatives in the main countries of the world, the characteristics of the system, the scope of the specific relatives and the exceptions to this system are summed up. Starting from the newly revised "Criminal Procedure Law > 188th", this paper analyzes the essence of the system of the criminal exemption right of specific relatives of China in the new period. On this basis, it analyzes the shortcomings and defects of the current system of the right of exemption of specific relatives, and deeply grasps the specific Chinese specific rights system through introducing the system of specific relatives in China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. In the end, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the system of criminal exemption rights of specific relatives in China and the west, explores the similarities and differences between China and foreign countries on the design of the system, and draws on the beneficial elements that conform to the national conditions of China, and further perfected the system of the right of exemption of specific relatives in China from the level of substantive law and procedural law.


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