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发布时间:2018-08-05 19:57
[Abstract]:The civil litigation system of our country has traditionally placed the lawsuit elements under the condition of prosecution, the court has confirmed the acceptance of the case by written examination, and the litigants have a high threshold of prosecution and can not participate in the examination procedure of the lawsuit elements in the court. The reform of filing registration system separates the lawsuit elements from the conditions of prosecution and tries them as the object of trial after the establishment of the prosecution, so as to facilitate the people to approach the judiciary and ensure that they have the opportunity to participate in the trial procedure of the lawsuit elements in the court. The lawsuit elements are the premise for the court to hear the case and make a judgment, so the principle of "first hearing" should be implemented, combining with the procedure of accepting the case and the independent establishment of the filing court in our country, the lawsuit elements shall be appointed to the court to hear the case in advance. Construct the procedural structure of "Prosecution Review", "Litigation elements trial" and "case trial".
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学法学院;


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