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发布时间:2018-08-06 15:38
[Abstract]:As one of the evidence established in criminal procedure law, witness testimony plays an indispensable role in collecting relevant evidence, ascertaining the facts of the case, accurately determining the sentence and so on. At the same time, it is of great significance for the smooth progress of the reform of judicial centralism. However, in the judicial practice of our country, the low witness appearance rate has always affected the exertion of the evidence function and restricted the cross-examination right of the prosecution and the defense. Legal procedure is a mere formality, which affects the realization of fairness and justice and the construction of litigation procedure in our country. This problem is closely related to the lack of adequate protection of the personal rights of witnesses. In reality, one appalling witness after another is increasingly worrying about the witness's appearance. Therefore, it is imperative to perfect the witness's personal system and implement the witness's personal protection measures. Throughout some representative countries of the two legal systems, the habeas corpus of witnesses has always been a subject that can not be ignored. Whether it is a special, perfect legislation on witness habeas corpus or the establishment of a strong witness protection institution, it has basically formed a witness protection scheme which is in line with the existing national conditions of our country and has its own national spirit. Good practical effect has been obtained in witness protection. On the other hand, the current Criminal procedure Law of our country has made continuous progress and gratifying results in the aspect of witness habeas corpus after repeated revision. However, it is not difficult to find that there are still a lot of things worth studying. The main performance is that the scope of the protection object is too narrow; the division of responsibilities between the protection organs is not clear; the protection measures are single, the principle is not easy to operate; the lack of a set of effective, perfect procedure operation mechanism and so on, a series of problems need to be solved. The research on witness protection system in academic circles is also painstaking. However, most scholars discuss how to strengthen witness protection from macro perspective, such as the object of protection, the scope of protection, the institution of protection, the procedure of protection, and so on. And few scholars from micro aspects such as witness habeas corpus system how to improve the start of the argument. Therefore, the article will be divided into four parts to explore the criminal witness habeas corpus system: the first part, the basic concept of the criminal procedure witness habeas corpus, from the human nature, social contract, the balance of rights and obligations, Four theoretical sources of human rights protection are discussed. Then, it is imperative to perfect the witness's personal protection system in terms of procedural legitimacy, substantive justice, reasonable allocation of judicial resources, fit in with the trend of national protection and combining with the present situation of witnesses appearing in court in our country. The second part combs and rethinks the representative witness habeas corpus system in the extraterritorial Anglo-American legal system, the civil law system and the mixed mode countries, and finally makes the corresponding reflection on the system which can be used for reference by me. The third part briefly describes the existing legislation (substantive law, procedural law) and the current situation of judicial practice in our country. Among them, it analyzes the related problems, such as legislative disorder, small scope of protection object, unclear protection organization, Protection measures, procedural imperfections and lack of effective supervision and accountability mechanisms. The fourth part, from the protection principle establishment, the legislation pattern choice, the protection essential factor analysis, the protection procedure consummation, the special witness protection and so on aspect to make the final thought and the opinion.


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