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发布时间:2018-08-07 19:43
[Abstract]:Verification and free heart evidence are not the mode of proof, but the way that the referee determines the power of proof and uses evidence to determine the facts of the case. The verification should be based on the request of the fact finding activity, supported by the non-substantial proof activity: according to the confirmation judge, it strengthens the requirement of finding the truth of the fact, neglects the guarantee of the procedural legitimacy; Limited to the formal examination of the relationship between the evidence, it also intensifies the formalization of the trial proof in our country. The judge finds the fact of the case mechanically and inflexibly, which seriously occupies the space of his free evidence. There is a symbiotic relationship between verification and the litigation structure centered on investigation and the pursuit of objective and true litigation concept of cases. It is very difficult to find a living space for free heart evidence in the system space of supporting the operation of corroboration. With the gradual advancement of the reform of the trial centered litigation system in our country and the implementation of the materialization of the trial proof, we should let the judge's judgment way return to the free evidence, and weaken the reliance on the rules of the power of proof. Strengthening the strict proof of the prosecution, emphasizing the exercise and protection of the right of defense, reforming the composition of the collegial panel, strengthening the opening and reasoning of the adjudicative documents, and so on, to realize the judge's free testimony. At the same time, confirmation should withdraw from the stage of proof mode, as a method of evidence analysis, its refinement and scientization should be emphasized.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学法学院;


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