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发布时间:2018-08-09 10:12
[Abstract]:Under the new normal state of politics, bribery crime has become the most important corruption crime in our country. However, the legislation of corruption crime in our country lags behind seriously, and it is difficult to connect with the international anti-corruption punishment mechanism. Because the bribery crime case has the characteristic which is different from the ordinary criminal case, its evidence also has the special attribute correspondingly. Under the present evidence system of our country, the bribery crime detection difficulty, the evidence collection difficulty, the confirmation difficult question is difficult to obtain the substantive solution. Therefore, on the basis of analyzing the crux of the problem, this paper draws lessons from the legislation of the extraterritorial evidence system and combines the reality of our country, and puts forward the path of establishing and perfecting the evidence system of bribery crime with Chinese characteristics. Apart from the introduction and conclusion, there are three main parts in this paper. The main contents of each part are as follows: the first part is the analysis of evidence in bribery cases. First of all, starting with the challenge of bribery case investigation, the paper points out the problem of filing bribery crime case. Secondly, by comparing with the evidence of ordinary criminal cases, this paper analyzes the characteristics of evidence in bribery cases. Finally, on the basis of the above analysis, the paper analyzes the difficulty of obtaining evidence in the practice of bribery. The second part is the present situation and defect of the evidence system of bribery in our country. Firstly, it analyzes the present situation of evidence system in our country, and points out the deficiency of evidence legislation without special bribery crime. Secondly, it analyzes the defects of the current evidence system in establishing the standard of proof and distributing the burden of proof in the determination of bribery crime. The third part consummates the path design of bribery crime evidence system. First of all, starting from solving the problem of standard of proof, it puts forward the establishment of multi-level standard of proof of bribery crime. Secondly, with the aim of reasonably distributing the burden of proof and solving the problem of obtaining evidence, the author draws lessons from the mature experience of foreign countries, establishes the rules of presumption of bribery and introduces the exemption system of tainted witness. This paper analyzes and demonstrates the value and practical significance of the system in the fight against the crime of bribery, and regulates the strict use of the principle of presumption of bribery and the limited application of the system of testifying against tainted witnesses in our country's judicial practice. In order to construct the evidence system of bribery crime in accordance with the situation of our country.


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