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发布时间:2018-08-09 19:28
[Abstract]:The so-called legal effect of judgment means that in judicial practice, judges have the judicial concept of "law first", try all kinds of cases strictly according to law, and the judgment is based on the law and the result is in accordance with the rationality, spirit and value of the law. The legislative purpose of the legislator is realized, which is conducive to maintaining the certainty, unity and authority of the law. The social effect of the judgment means that the judge, through the application of the law, changes the legal norms from what ought to be, and the result of the judgment conforms to the psychological expectations of the ordinary people and the concept of fairness and justice, and conforms to the mainstream values of the society and the overall interests of the society as a whole. It not only makes the litigant settle the case, but also gets the general approval of the society and the people, which has a positive and positive influence on the future litigants and even the whole society. The relationship between legal effect and social effect is both opposite and unified. The contradiction between the lag, abstractness, the change of social material life and the concreteness of law is the objective reason of the opposition between legal effect and social effect. It is the subjective reason that the judge applies the law mechanically by copying the legal provisions and disregards the law by the judge's judgment, which is the subjective reason of the opposition between the legal effect and the social effect. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to clarify the relationship between them according to the subjective and objective relations. The legal effect and the social effect not only have the opposite side, but also have the unified side, that is, the legal effect is the foundation of the social effect, the social effect is the goal of the legal effect, and the legal effect and the social effect are unified in the judicial practice. Legal interpretation is the link between legislative intention and judicial purpose. The method of legal interpretation is an effective way to realize the organic unification of legal effect and social effect, and a bridge between them. The method of legal interpretation, especially the method of "purpose interpretation" and "social interpretation", can overcome the rigidity of law, make the judge's judgment in specific cases have legal basis, and ensure that the result of judgment conforms to the rationality, spirit and value of law. In order to realize the legislative purpose of the legislator and meet the needs of the social development, and at the same time to make the judgment result accord with the psychological expectation of the ordinary people and the concept of fairness and justice, it can have a positive and positive impact on the future parties and the society. In order to achieve the unity of legal and social effects. In judicial practice, when a judge encounters some new or complicated and difficult cases, if the rule of law is applied "can't", that is to say, for some special cases, there is a legal gap, or there are clear rules of law that can be applied. However, the application of the rule, which is manifestly unjust, has a negative social effect; at that time, the judge should apply the principles of law as the basis for the decision so that it can be brought into conformity with the spirit and value of the law, It also accords with the common people's psychological expectation and the concept of justice in order to unify the legal effect and the social effect.


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